British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. yip see this
    its a black square. you will no doubt tell me its not.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. No it's a black square as clear as day fin, just as your answer was a divert.
  3. So, lots of representation is good, where should it be based ?
  4. yer righ noobt, they didnt produce a 500 page white paper on the indi reff.
  5. At the end of each street. Any further away and it all gets bolloxed up.
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  6. My point fin was that the book you just showed from 2014, has been superceded by that embarrassing one they put in the cupboard quickly. There was no way in 2014 you could have known that the snp's own scotlands future plan would have shelved and then replaced by yet another plan only a few years later.

    At the heart of your vote would have been you wanted independence because that is all the vote asked for, you would have listened to both sides and then made the decision based on what you felt was right for you to vote for

    The difference being is that there was no difference, you voted in that way the same as people did in brexit and every other single vote.
  7. lesley riddoch writes a lot about representation and local democracy. its a good place to start.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. hmm, metrosplaining. much of the plan hasent changed btw.
    they didnt produce one did they? no road map or manifesto from the brexiteers. why?
  9. With correct negotiations it couldn't have been anything else - we already have a no visa reciprocal agreement offered from the EU in the event of a no deal. Free trade with such a massive trade deficit is inevitable.
    So still unsure your point :thinkingface: people were promised doom and gloom and more would have been swade by project fear, but despite it leave won. You still seem to be arguing the result was wrong and rigged which is ludicrous :eek:
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  10. It's not quite square, it's a rectangle :yum
  11. I have a theory :D

    The snp's leaving jolly book works on the basis we are scottish and everything is ours, that's why it will fail at the first step should it ever happen.

    The brexit plan or lack of one as you claim, was honest enough to understand leaving an organisation isn't the 100% the snp book claims, so first port of call was, do you want to leave? and the U.K. said yes. that then gave us the 2 year negotiation time to attain an agreement
  12. Correct negotiations? Where are they then?

    People were told Doom & gloom, and opourtunists immediately seized on that and lied their heads off all day everyday saying that there was no need to worry, no one is talking about leaving the single market, there will be the biggest Free Trade Zone in the world.

    So lets stop this childish pretense that you don't understand. If you don't care that Leave lied to the public deliberately say so. If you think Uninterupted Free Trade, Customs Union and Single market that despite being promised don't matter say so.
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  13. You are in denial of the truth, customs union and single market would mean free movement - this was not wanted by leave. The correct negotiations were non existent as parliament wish to remain, you know this. You keep trying to say the vote was rigged by lies - ludicrous. The videos posted above could not have been clearer but you ignore them.
    Seriously the remain spiel was the most erroneous and leave still won, simples. Free trade yes, that would have been a done deal by now if parliament had supported the referendum... :bucktooth:
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    Turn the volume up. You might learn something
    #30974 Jez900ie, Apr 6, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. See post #30941 we have covered this. Many things were said, the most relevant were shown on videos a few pages ago as they were the official line from the leave campaign leaders running up to the vote - and they were clear.
    There were no promises in your video, just assumptions. Not relevant to any argument that you lost the vote through dacite - you only lost by 4% due to the outlandish 'project fear' - this is history. You have you're fingers in your ears and you are shouting la la la la la - stop it, it's silly :p
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  16. OK so just to be clear you think that posting a table of results in post 30941 means that the repeated speeches of the Leave leaders are null & void? Are you really saying that?

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  17. Nothing to do with the table of results no :rolleyes: I meant my words:
    'But that's the thing, see the above posts that were more time relevant to voting - and we were not promised 80% of Parliament dead set on dragging this farce out so it ultimately fails and they get what they want, by ignoring the referendum...'

    But you just ignore them, but while you're mentioning the list of results, what does that tell you? If a general election how much did remain loose by - eye opening really :eyes: so why after 2.5 years are you still denying the results :sleeping:
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  18. Its dragged out perhaps because the public were sold a pup by liars who promised them Free Trade/ Customs Union Single Market, and now that the only way that can be provided is by signing an worse deal than the UK currently has.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  19. because we can. democracy sucks doesn't it?
    c'mon say it, you dont care how you win, just as long as you win. turns out you didn't tho.
  20. That is far from the truth - look at the bottom line of the results list - there's your problem - your lot!
    It really is as simple as that.
    No lies, no wrong result due to lies.
    Just undemocratic MP's.

    If you were the head of a large 'trading union' and had a country nearby who had no deal with you but traded on WTO rules, and they offered you a free trade agreement - would you accept? All your standards are aligned, their trade deficit with you is 50%. They are a bigger market to you than over half of your 27 member nations put together - you are set to win hands down in the fees from moving to a free trade agreement from WTO.

    Seriously what would you do? I would accept the deal of the millennium and be happy.

    The underhanded, unelected selfish and deceitful EU council will not, but you support them? I think you would soon find that industry would force their hand with a WTO no deal Brexit anyway and stop their stupidity.

    They want to work with our undemocratic MP's until they get what they want - the UK in the EU where they can benefit massively from our funding as well as the trade deficit their member countries enjoy. They can continue to do deals outside of the EU that take British jobs offshore for their own benefit.

    With WTO and leave last Friday we would have benefited greatly - and all this shite from remainers would be gone :):upyeah:

    Pub time for me :yum
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