British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Then you assumed wrong, and have a poor grasp of the English language.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Fair enough, the 'won't be like that' referred to the whole statement then ?

    your statement at the end

    I'm pretty sure that it won't be like that, mainly because we're a nation of moaners rather than a nation of demonstrators like France, but one can hope.

    Lead me to think you meant the protests, not the whole thing.
  3. obviously. :rolleyes:
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Can he borrow yours for a while?

    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Absolutely correct.................I'm a miracle (sorry, I mean 'mirage') and my name is really Adolf Fortesque-Smythe.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  6. I know you, you went to eton with jacob rees-mogg and david dimbelbys son
  7. Nah.........Too old for them.

    Went to Colchester Royal Grammar School, actually.

  8. bit late for that. it would of worked in 2005, maybe. but, in 2007 it didnt or 2011 or 2016. so much more to do. but we have to ask permission first.
  9. I saw that the yvette cooper/oliver letwin motion to rule out a no deal option has now been approved by the house of lords after being approved by the commons, so will now return to the commons to be placed in law.

    Unless I have read it wrongly, it doesn't stop no deal but simply says may has to ask for an extension before a no deal is sanctioned.

    Given she is asking for an extension today and the leaving day is Friday, I wonder :thinkingface:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. And you literally did not see that coming, right?

    Yes. Yes I do. I already have a full-time job but I will do my best.

    A background question, first. Do you know about globalism?
  11. Yes, and I am not a fan

    Buy local when I can

    Can’t imagine what bikinis on the underground and knife crime has got to do With the EU. Those are decisions made at local and national
    level. Happy to hear how it’s something else though
  12. [​IMG]

    Now then..........wasn't it the same man that said that the UK could do non of these things whilst it was in the EU and therefore had to leave?
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  13. Buy local. That's great. Good stuff.

    So you are up with:

    Eliminating the old nation state model of civilisation in favour of supra-national constructs?
    Re-distributing and re-settling populations at un-precedented rates?
    Increasing the distance (literally and figuratively) between ordinary citizens and the organisations with ultimate legislative, judicial and executive power over them?
    Moving industries away from traditional areas to new locations, as part of a wealth re-distribution strategy?
    Attempting to homogenise communities with vastly different cultural norms and values without discussion or the right to object?
    Destruction of traditional local values and replacing them with cosmopolitan, progressive ideology?
    Creating legislation and tax regimes that favour large corporations over SME businesses?

    These are just generalities. The EU has some specific projects in goals in mind but I don't wish to drill down too deep yet. We are just establishing what globalism actually means, first.
  14. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship of any kind will know, once that relationship has failed, it's easier to use options you would not have previously used but may have wanted to, to bring about a change needed.

    Given remainers are zeroing in on mogg rather than looking at the customs union consequences, shows how much people are not looking at the small print, something they keep throwing at leavers.

    It's also quite a reasonable tactic to scare the eu into complying with the vote to leave, that our own government refuses to do, it seems to be working, fingers crossed
  15. I can’t say I recognise much of that. Got any examples?

    Apart from Dyson
  16. Really? We want to go there? FFS!

    Eliminating the old nation state model of civilisation in favour of supra-national constructs?
    The EU. Ever-closer union. The Eurozone. The EU "Army". Attempts to control member state's budgets (Greece and Italy). Removal of "internal" borders (actual member state borders but within the EU's "territory") - remember what it is that makes a country a country?

    Re-distributing and re-settling populations at un-precedented rates?
    Merkle. Germany. To a lesser extent, the "ghettoisation" of some UK towns (although this is as much to do with the UKs own moves to globalisation as the EU's)

    Increasing the distance (literally and figuratively) between ordinary citizens and the organisations with ultimate legislative, judicial and executive power over them?
    The EU Commission. The EU Council. The (inconsequential nod to democracy) EU Parliament. The ECJ. Not only are these authorities at a level slightly above member state's own governmental bodies, most of them cannot be voted for (or against) by member state populations.

    Moving industries away from traditional areas to new locations, as part of a wealth re-distribution strategy?
    Ford Transit to Turkey. Some other examples that have been discussed in this thread but, because I am hungry and need to go to dinner, you will need to find for yourself.

    Attempting to homogenise communities with vastly different cultural norms and values without discussion or the right to object?
    See re-settling above. Ask indigenous populations in Koln and Malmo how the newcomers are settling in. Ask people living in London., too.

    Destruction of traditional local values and replacing them with cosmopolitan, progressive ideology?
    ECJ rulings relating to "hate speech" in Austria. In Denmark. Local Christian communities having LGBT teaching imposed upon them in primary schools (only to have it withdrawn again when a higher-ranked victim-group complained).

    Creating legislation and tax regimes that favour large corporations over SME businesses?
    The vast number of EU regulations make it hard for small businesses to trade in Europe as the financial burden of legal compliance is proportionately greater for SMEs than it is for large corporations. Tax loopholes (still not blocked) mean that small businesses are forced to pay taxes in accordance with local laws whereas multi-nationals can pick and choose the tax authority they deal with.

    The EU is not the only force behind globalisation but it is one of the most obvious players. The UK Establishment is another obvious player.
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  17. Question, why does the eu need a national flag and a national anthem if it is not a nation?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Question, why doesn’t England have a national anthem if it is a nation?
  19. It is because they think they are a superstate; whereas I and many others think they are in a state................

    .............but not as big an effing state that the PM has got the UK into.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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