British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. You're forgetting the biggest remain lie of all

    This vote is a once in a generation vote, we will leave the eu, the single market and the customs unions should you vote to leave but however you vote, we will respect it and act upon it.

    As lies go, the remain side have had the Trump card since the 24th June 2016 and have been playing it every single day
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  2. Following the 2016 referendum, the High Court confirmed that the result was not legally binding, owing to the constitutional principles of parliamentary sovereignty and representative democracy, and the legislation authorising the referendum did not contain clear words to the contrary.
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  3. Classic, where've you been :joy:
  4. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

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  5. Here and there.

    Facts is facts.

    Legally the Govt does not have to deliver Brexit.

    Politically the difficulty in doing so comes from May’s ineptitude in losing her majority, and the Irish situation (if we were any other EU country we wouldn’t have the same problem, and would probably have left by now).

    As it is, the majority for Leave was so slim that revoking Article 50 is not only a Legal possibility but also a real Political possibility.

    I could add “stop crying and get over it” ... but I won’t ;-)
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  6. I believe you are incorrect and the wording you are looking for is that under article 50 they legally do have to deliver. That is why the cooper/letwin bill had to go through to try and stop it, although it has only paused it. What you seem to be confusing that with is the government can revoke article 50 if it wishes, that was the eu court ruling if we are after accuracy.

    Whilst I agree on May's incompetence, I do not feel any country would be able to leave. Two thirds rely on eu money so are bought with financial blackmail and of the remaing third, the bill payers, the eu project would find anyway possible to subjugate any senior member from leaving

    You'll forgive my chuckledom from a side that thinks a majority of 1.4 million people is slim whilst thinking a majority of 1 in parliament gives "the right result"
  7. There isn't an Irish situation? You are very lucky you have all the undemocratic MP's on your loosing side :blush: and stop trying to turn the cry baby stuff around, it's really quite silly :kissing_heart:
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  8. Can I close this puerile thread now? It needs killing off.
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  9. k if others are happy too to. you could always run a poll :D
  10. Don’t ask, just act.
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  11. One is legally binding (whether you consider it “right” or “wrong”) and the other is not - the Govt can legally revoke Article 50 and not deliver Brexit at all. If the majority for Leave had been a lot bigger, politically they wouldn’t be able to do this ... but as it wasn’t, no Brexit it is a political possibility.
  12. He was loosing the arguments so best do I guess :joy:………………………………...:eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Shhhhhh your boring El T now :rolleyes:
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  14. again not quite accurate, the case of gina miller and the european court showed under article 50 they have a legal obligation to deliver it but have an option to cancel it. The two are quite different. One is a must do and the other is an option
  15. Be a first, a remainer killing off brexit :D
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  16. I have an in law who is an academic who came out with the same line. The referendum was only advisory we shouldn't be acting upon it.

    This makes me feel like people like you and him are so elitistley condescending and arrogantly insulting to the real majority of voters in this country it really boils my piss.

    Maybe there is a non advisory legally binding way of telling people how they should vote in up coming elections then these local difficulties can be avoided.

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  17. I vote keep this thread open.

    It's one of the few pleasures left in life.

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  18. I think before the referendum these tactics would have been seen as contrary. Now you could argue that they would have the support of the majority of the public.

  19. And the majority of the public are as clueless as all the chinless wonders in parliament. That’s why this is a complete clusterfuck.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  20. It's a complete clusterfuck because politicians have not delivered the result of a referendum they themselves voted to hold,have not respected Article 50 which they voted for,and have deliberately frustrated the process of leaving the EU which was a manifesto promise by both main parties.
    It is made even worse because the "public",who voted to remain cannot accept the result of the referendum either,and whose sole argument seems to be criticism and abuse of those who voted to leave.
    No one promised sunny uplands if we one promised that the figure mentioned on the side of the bus would be spent on the NHS,(although it never can be if we don't leave),no one promised it would be anything but a bit of a bumpy ride.
    And not a single one of the doom mongers has been correct.
    We elect politicians to act in our best interests,they wanted us to take responsibility for a decision they were incapable of making,and because they didn't like our decision they are trying not to deliver on the promise.
    And in the process they are destroying democracy,which is far more important than Brexit.
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