British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. yep just to spell it out for you ...i mean i thought you remainers all insisted the leavers were thick... the cover is fook all..worth nada.. ( you see what i did there)
  2. Why should people move on?
    You are welcome to do so,but you return time after one forces you to do so,do they?
    So why do it,if you are that bored?
    The poorer parts of the UK voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU,that was THEIR choice.
    Who is trying to hark back to colonial days? No one of my acquaintance has ever mentioned it,everyone is looking to the future.
    You do not comment on the 12,000 plus EU tariffs that EU consumers are forced to pay if they want to buy imported goods,nor do you refer to the membership fee,(we get back 25% of everything we pay according to the EU's own figures),nor the huge trade imbalance between the UK,(Europes largest internal market equivalent to 19 smaller countries combined).
    The rich and elite few told what lies? Please tell us all what those lies are ,and perhaps tell us why the rich elite are trying to keep us IN the EU now.
    If the last referendum was advisory,was the 1976 referendum advisory too? Funnily enough,if you listen to DC's speech he never mentions the word,"advisory",he clearly states that parliament will obey the peoples instructions,that it is a once in a lifetime decision etc etc.
    As it happens I THINK,(as opposed to I KNOW,the same distinction that I apply to anything that anyone claims without having documentary evidence to back it up),that the UK will be better off outside the EU than remaining a member.
    This opinion carries exactly the same validity as anyone elses who just ,"thinks".
    AndyB's posts are just same,someone "thinks",and has posted it somewhere in BIG letters as if somehow expanding the words will make them facts,or appear more important than just empty opinion.
    I and many others have posted stuff which claims exactly the opposite,just as meaningless in most cases,and just as believable as Andy's contributions.
    I agree with you that we will never change each others mind,and unfortunately unless and until we actually leave in the manner we were expressly told we would,(no customs union,no single market,no ECJ rulings etc etc),we will never know who is right.
    And that is why this thread is still interesting: for every valid point put forward by a remain supporter,(and there are a few,not everyone relies on slagging leavers/posting links to remain media outlets/or their own agenda),the opposite side will search for data/reports/articles etc that show exactly the opposite.
    And vice versa,of course.
    At the risk of stating the obvious,if you don't like the thread please don't keep coming back to it,but others do seem to be interested enough to want it to continue.
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  3. If you check for the third time now my reply was to that poster and earlier this morning and again a while ago
    Now, to your picture, assuming the picture is real then yes it says it there as part of the vote leave presentation.

    Clearly answering your question and agreeing with you.

    again though, you still cannot show where on the bus it said a figure that would be given to the nhs.

    I think as I have given you your answer three times, you doing so once would be a step forwards
  4. Er... you do know that this is bullshit, right?

    "Health Tourists" - specifically those coming from the EU - will pay for their treatment through the EHIC scheme.

    It means that the cost of treatment is free at the point of use for the patient, but that charges are reclaimed from the patient's home country via EHIC.

    So if someone from Spain comes to the UK and gets run over by a car, the cost of that treatment is charged back to the Spanish health service.

    The exact same thing happens if someone from the UK goes to Spain and gets run over by a car.

    It's quite a good system and I've seen it in action many times.

    So when we leave the EU, that reciprocate system is no longer in place, so in theory it means that people from Spain who come over here and get run over by a car still don't pay for treatment and the NHS is no longer able to claim back the cost through EHIC because we left the EU and are no longer a member.

    As it stands, "Health Tourism" currently costs 0.3% of the NHS budget. As you can imagine, that figure will increase when we leave, and the NHS will have to find extra funds (£350m a week maybe?) to pay for it... or make extra cuts.


    So, tell me again how leaving the EU will be better for the NHS?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  5. Awww come on now. This is getting silly. I understand how some folks could take the '£350M for the NHS' propaganda as a 'promise'. And of course they will continue to do so, because it fits their agenda (i.e. the ref was rigged and lies were told, so the result is invalid). But seriously? Any moderately savvy person would realise that Boris and those others (allegedly) making the 'promise' were in no position to deliver any budgetry allocations (not just this one). Clearly, any additional monies resulting from leaving the EU COULD all be spent on the NHS, but the Chancellor of the day is the only one to divvy it out, and then his budget would need to go through the normal approval process. To believe that a group of campaigners could rightly make such a solid pledge is quite frankly naive.
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  6. i truly believed Brexit means hang on a minute, No deal is better than a Bad wait, strong and stable...AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. So you're saying that those figures show that UK citizens are clumsy fuckers when in the EU and have lots of accidents, but that when EU citizens come over here they have less accidents?

    Note that the article doesn't say that we are being short changed (ie, we are only getting back 60% of what the NHS is owed) but that the cost of overseas healthcare for our citizens is more expensive.

    So I don't see what point you are trying to make?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Naive and gullible then :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Oh, you've met Andy as well then? :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. We get a continual stream of dire warnings of our growth dropping and recession looming by: IMF, BOE, numerous financial companies, economists. Before and since Brexit, they have been wrong and had to back track. And still it goes on with good results that some put down to "stocking up due to Brexit". I really wish there was a financial site that tracked all the expert economic forecasts and their records VS reality. Perhaps because they don't want to publicise their consistent and incorrectly negative view of the resilient UK economy. What a shame we are led by donkeys in Westminster and won't get to see the UK's great potential unleashed.

    Now I wonder how accurate their WTO Brexit predictions really are? Pity we won't get to find out.

    Economists in a Reuters poll had expected zero growth.

    Britain’s economy has held up better than expected since the 2016 Brexit referendum although it has slowed since mid-2018 as the political impasse over the country’s departure from the EU deepened and as the world economy lost momentum.

    The International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday that Britain would grow by 1.2 percent in 2019, if it can avoid the shock of a no-deal Brexit. That would be faster than Germany’s 0.8 percent and only a touch slower than France’s 1.3 percent.

    But Britain still looks set for its weakest growth in a decade this year, even assuming a Brexit deal will be done, according to forecasts from the IMF and the Bank of England.

    Wednesday’s data showed that over the three months to February, gross domestic product grew by 0.3 percent, holding at the same pace as in January — which was revised up slightly from a previous estimate — and stronger than a forecast of 0.2 percent in the Reuters poll.

    In annual terms, growth in February hit 2.0 percent, the strongest pace since late 2017.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. hmm, i take it we all know we dont actually send 350 mill a week to the EU? just sayin.
    anyhoo, my feet are killing me. just walked for miles and miles and miles though the hills. most enjoyable.
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  12. 500 miles?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. aye, then i spotted the noobster and chose to walk 500 more.
    in the opposite direction.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. The figures show that the european health card largely favours the europeans than the u.k. it's there clear as day, not something else your struggling with ? the numbers are so clear even diane abbott could understand them
  15. Give our Waspi and Back the 50's women their overdue State pension ffs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The Leave campaign was pretty clumsy in working out the £350M figure from the gross contribution figure. There was a weak argument that the EU were always threatening to remove the £5.6B special rebate. Meanwhile the Remain campaign made some even more misleading and totally untrue predictions IMO.
  17. What the actual fuck are you talking about?

    No it doesn't show that it favours Europeans, at all.

    It's merely the costs, that are reclaimed back, so the net effect is zero costs to the NHS. That's ZERO costs. Because it's all claimed back. From the respective countries. As part of EHIC.

    No wonder Leavers are deluded if they can't even understand simple facts!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  18. tbh, thats not noobs role here tho.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. He's obviously struggling because one number is bigger than the other.

    No wonder all these Leavers are struggling with the economics of Brexit!

    • Funny Funny x 2
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