I believe today is World Cancer Day. My thoughts are with an old work colleague who has been fighting it for a year now and my mate who lived next door passed away in October 2012, it would have been his birthday today. Just try and remember someone today and remember the good times.:frown::frown: On a brighter note my wife had breast cancer in 2010 but was completely cured. Great care from the NHS.
My grandmother , my Grandfather , my uncle sadly lost to it . My Dad but he survived . It's horrible . Such a cruel disease .
Lost my mum to it - aged 65...Lost my cousin to it - aged 36 - married for three years and with a two-year-old daughter...It is a cruel thing, and it affects so many people.It seems such a shame to me that we can pay footballers £250,000 per month, but cannot fund proper research into curing cancer...
its nice to hear a good story about cancer, and its nice to see some appreciation for our NHS. if you lived in the US you'd probably have lost her and be living in a tent right now. my own mother died in 2007 from cancer.
Lost my dad to the big c when he was only 54 (the age I am now). My wife's colleague lost her battle with breast cancer last year. We are now walking to raise £'s for breast cancer charities - five half marathons and three marathons this year. Bastard of a disease, but progress has been made, mortality rates are decreasing and every penny I raise will have been worth the effort.
Lost my Grand Daughter to a Brain Tumor almost 4 years ago now, Madison is still greatly missed, RIP Madison, 23/5/07 - 12/7/09. :frown:
Buried my brother in law 3 years ago aged 52, then I was diagnosed just a month later with bowel cancer, since then I have been to another two close friends funerals both died of cancer, my operation followed by six months of chemo and brilliant after care from the NHS makes me a very very lucky lad and never a day passes without me realizing what could have been. My son now does regular half marathons to raise money for Cancer Research, every penny counts. Steve
Just found out a friend of mine has pancreatic cancer today not a good one she's a feisty lady she will fight dam hard... Really crap news
Jeez she has just told us she has stage 4 cancer 3-5 months gobsmacked as she always was so full of life and healthy looking...
It is without doubt the worst disease known to man. I've known a few people who've lost the battle, including my ex mother in law who was a wonderful woman, and my mother has just had a mastectomy last week. A big thank you to all those raising money, and I'd like to echo the thoughts on the care given by the NHS, as my own experience of them has been wonderful.
I can't even comprehend being told you have around 3 months . especially when you thought it was something else !
I had to read a nursing report last night on the palliative care that will need to be given to my dad because of his Mesothelioma and the costs associated with it. It's not nice reading the cold facts of how things will happen and take their toll. At the end tears were streaming down my face
Pancreatic cancer is a dreadfully agressive disease. Unfortunately 3 months seems to be about the average prognosis after diagnosis. I lost 2 friends to this shocking disease. I'm always up for raising money for cancer research, why don't we do something as a group? Sponsored run/walk? Curry/chilli cook off? BBQ? We could hold regional events if one national gathering is too much of a logistical challenge.