1199 Bbs Fault.

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Chuds1, Apr 7, 2019.

  1. Hi All,

    Looking for some advise please. I was out a run on my bike yesterday and the BBS fault light came on while I was riding as well as the engine management light and the gear shift indicator was going nuts flickering up and down.

    The weather was pretty bad when I was out lots of rain and slow progress in traffic.

    I have checked all the fuses (ok) and removed the BBS unit and the ECU to dry out. I have left the bike over night with the plugs disconnect to dry out hoping it would be that. I have plugged everything back in this morning and nope the fault is still there.

    Can anyone please advise what the best way forward is.

    Here’s the data plate on the BBS if that helps.

  2. Place the BBS in a pillow case or similar and put it into another bag full of rice, then seal it and place it in an airing cupboard overnight. That will help drive out any internal moisture, though it's not guaranteed to work. You could also borrow a hairdryer on a LOW setting and aim it at the pin connections on the BBS in case there is some water shorting across two pins. Check the connector itself as these as are prone to water ingress. I would also recommend wrapping some self amalgamating tape around the edge of the connector and the BBS when you reconnect it to the BBS unit to stop water getting past the seal.
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  3. Thanks for your reply I’ll give that a try. I can’t see how water would get in there and affect the BBS unit as it’s like a Furness under the seat. Do you think it’s definitely the BBS unit or could there be something else at fault.

    Also if I bought a new unit is it just a plug in and done or does Ducati need to get involved.
  4. The warning is a generic one indicating a fault applicable to the bbs ecu. With you saying the gear indicator was goin ape, my first guess would be a faulty gear sensor.
    Only real way to isolate the fault would be to get the diag read out at your dealer.
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  5. Excuse my ignorance but where is the gear shift sensor?
    Seems strange that everything would come in at the same time. It’s like something is shorting out. Water probably. Don’t want to buy a BBS unit if that’s not the problem as there not cheap.
  6. It's located behind the front sprocket depending on your model.
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  7. Hi Nelly,

    Would this bit of kit do ok for reading the fault codes. Would rather get something so I could do it myself than wait for the dealer.

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  8. Yes I agree but the waiting time to get booked into the dealer is ridiculous. Would be good if I had a reader just to read the fault codes, that way I would have an idea of what to be looking at.
  9. Personally I have used the MelcoDiag software to read the system on the 1199, it provides some explanation for a lot of the error codes, but not as detailed or complete as the dealer DDS system.

    There is a long thread about how to use it and which cables are necessary on the US forum:


    Also from the sound of your error with the BBS error and gear indicator going haywire, I have experienced the same error twice and both times it was my gear sensor that was dead/dying
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  10. This is quite a common problem when it's just the connectors so worth cleaning and electrical greasing them. I had this fault on my S and it went after cleaning and greasing the big connecter off the front of where the BBS is; just down under the rear of the tank. Considering the weather,etc you mention I'd say its extremely likely to be something like this.
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  11. Thanks for the info Mordor, I’ll have a read through the thread.

    When you previously had the fault did the yellow engine management symbol come on as well as the red BBS fault symbol?
  12. Working away from home at the moment so when I get back I’ll do that. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s something as simple as that. o_O
  13. the first time I had the error and crazy gear indicator display, I can't remember if the engine light also came on, but that time the red box with BBS error came up and alternated with a gear sensor red box.

    the second time it happened I got the engine light and the BBS red box, but that time it didn't show the gear sensor error box, but the gear indicator was also fluctuating between numbers and even when it wasn't flickering between numbers it was never showing the correct gear.

    Also 2 threads about the gear sensor including a link to nhtsa with a guide to re-learning the gears with a new sensor (if you want to do it yourself)

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  14. Happy to be proven wrong but there are two many different warnings going on for it to be very likely an actual fault with one of the working parts/sensors. The bike will work quite happily with any one of those things broken and it would just give a warning for the respective part. To have all those warnings suddenly appear, especially after a soaking in the rain, is a smoking gun pointing at wiring, plugs or something else that is a shared item.
  15. Just wanted to give an update on the issue.

    I purchased a new gearbox position sensor and installed it myself. Job done no more “BBS Fault” “Engine management” warning symbols or the gear number flickering up and down.

    The new sensor was just plug in and play. I didn’t have to mess about teaching it the gear locations so happy days.:upyeah:
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  16. Awesome that's great to hear, I thought you had a wire nightmare on your hands :)
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  17. Phew...

    I was able to fix mine this week just by cleaning the 2 connectors under the BBS unit. Not a standard Ducati fix... no money changed hands.
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  18. Ha me too thankfully the sensor did the trick.

    Yes I tried the same thing but to no avail, was hoping it would have been as easy as that. Oh well at least it was only the sensor.
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  19. Im getting maniac with my 1199s. Constant,wich i think,electronic trouble.
    Bike wont run,or hard started and cut out. Replaced rear map sensor and it did seem to run ok again. But that was only temporary,now it goes just as bad again. Dont know what the hell to do.. Maybe should try a new battery? Also no error codes on dash.
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