Smoky exhaust on start up Triump Sprint 955 possible causes?

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by CRYSTALJOHN, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. I have seen a 1999 Triumph Sprint 955 with 44k on the clock for sale.

    I haven't seen the bike yet,but the owner says it smokes quite a bit on start up , but that goes away once it's warmed up.

    Would welcome any ideas of what that might be, such as worn rings e.t.c

    He only want's a monkey for it, worth a look or shouldn't I bother as it's more trouble than it's worth?

    I would appreciate any input.

  2. Valve stem seals?????
  3. Have to agree with valve stem seals, the smoke should clear very quickly if it is them.
  4. I have now seen a few photo's of the bike that the owner has just sent me and it looks very unloved . I shall take a look at it next week in Brighton as I am going there for something else, but I don't really want to open a can of worms, been there too many times in the past.

    I used to own a 750 Trident Triple and loved the engine's characteristics, was tempted with the Sprint, but will probably avoid it now I've seen the photo's.

    Thanks for your input, much appreciated.
  5. Its a triumph! least its not pissing it on the floor :upyeah:
  6. Modern Trumpets don't leak oil like the old one's used too. I have had both.
  7. how much is a monkey 500?
  8. Those 955s are a great engine like all modern Triumph triples, it should not be smoking and if the bike looks unloved , the chances are it hasent been maintained. I would'nt touch it. You'l find another one.
  9. Good advice I think eyore, I have already abandoned the idea. I do however have a bid on cracking looking one on e bay, this time tomorrow I might be it's new owner. I feel the need to scratch the triple itch again!

    @Motojohn yep, Monkey=£500

    Large= £1000


  10. Tell him you'll give him a monkey, less his two legs ,that'd be about £300 spondicious.
  11. Give it a miss, there are plenty of 955's around for cheap prices without having to risk buying a shonker.
  12. thanks for that me old china
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