Hi Sue, We did an editorial piece on Eric in 'ItalianBike' Magazine when it was running! If I can remember he is a very keen biker with quiet a few little toy's! It will be interesting to see what he brings along.
So all being pleasent with the weather and all! Who's up for meeting at Ryka's Cafe, Boxhill, Dorking, Surrey in the Morning at 07.45 - 08.00hrs for a ride down to 'Pietro's Garage' in West Chiltington? for the main gathering! Ok If you are interested in the above, please copy the list and paste it on a reply post then add your name to it and then re-post it! Horsham Piazza 2013 29th March List for Boxhill to West Chiltington Run! (Meet from 07:45 Depart at 08:15) Name PhilB
Horsham Piazza 2013 29th March List for Boxhill to West Chiltington Run! (Meet from 07:45 Depart at 08:15) Please keep the heading as part of the list, when copy and pasteing, cheers Name PhilB Nuttynick (+ a few guy's from Kent) Lucazade Chris Mike
Horsham Piazza 2013 29th March List for Boxhill to West Chiltington Run! (Meet from 07:45 Depart at 08:15) Please keep the heading as part of the list, when copy and pasteing, cheers Name PhilB NuttyNick (+ others from Kent) Lucazade Chris Mike
Im aiming to go to Horsham yes....obviously weather permitting :wink:. I'm in Eastleigh so was going to do the length of the A272 to get there rather than M27. If anyones coming from Southampton direction we could meet on the A31 just off the M3. Come off the slip on the M3, 3rd exit off the round about, straight over the next and theres a layby there. We could meet there then go to Loomies and meet anyone else there if that works? I don't know what timings you were thinking of Char.......I guess we'd need to leave Loomies at about 8:30 so 08:00ish on the A31.....Any takers? Alistair
Loomies for 8.30 to leave by 8.45 latest then hour max to West Chiltington for 9.45 Char UKSurfer We may be coming from Southampton so yes we could make very quick stop meet off M3 as suggested - I'll PM phone numbers nearer time
Ok so five day's to go! What joy its still winter out there! I'm gonna keep my name down on the list weather permitting! I just don't understand why Horsham Town Council hold this event so early in the year! especially as its themmed around Italy and not Easter! Horsham Piazza 2013 29th March List for Boxhill to West Chiltington Run! (Meet from 07:45 Depart at 08:15) Please keep the heading as part of the list, when copy and pasteing, cheers Name PhilB Nuttynick (+ a few guy's from Kent) Lucazade Chris Mike