Major problem chez bolsover thus morning. I've run out of tea; real tea that is the loose stuff that actually tastes of something. This got me wondering - what tea do you like?
My wife recently bought some own label cheap tea bags for some paltry saving. They produce tea that tastes of nothing. If there's one thing that makes absolutely no sense to scrimp on, it's quality tea. I have normal in the morning, Earl Grey in the afternoon.
I used to work on a service contract looking after the aircon at Starbucks, and after seeing the damage coffee can do, clagging up a/c units and extract systems, I've not had a coffee since. Tea all the way for me, but I ain't fussy which brand, as long as it's hot and wet I'll drink it.
English Breakfast in the morning, Earl Grey for tea ( my wife does a full Afternoon tea at home at weekends) and Peppermint after dinner if I am feeling full.
I totally agree. Teabags are the instruments of the devil. Loose tea made in a proper teapot is far superior and, get this, MUCH CHEAPER and goes further. My father used to work for the now defunct Ministry of Agriculture and part of his job was to examine cargoes of imported foodstuffs such as tea, coffee & grain for infestation before it was allowed ashore. One day on Liverpool docks he was checking a consignment of tea. One of the tea chests had split open and a warehouse-man was sweeping up. There was dust, pigeon droppings & god knows what else involved. Dad asked if the tea would be disposed of & the warehouse man said that any spilt tea was made into teabags. In other words, what can't be sold as quality loose tea is put in bags which the customer can't see. That's why there is always lots of dust left in the bottom of teabag boxes. Brews of choice are darjeeling or large leaf ceylon OP. I don't take sugar or milk, tea is too claggy with milk. Far more refreshing without. Also, for those of us blighted with hard water which results in scummy tea (especially with the dreaded teabag) a Brita filter jug makes a huge difference to the quality of the tea. Try one.
Builders tea, 16 sugars but don't stir it...I don't like it sweet. Usually just stick to coffee if possible....Illy Coffee
Oh yes. My bruvinlaw is a builder. I remember working on sites during holidays & lobbies always had a bottle of steri with the crown top for the tea because it didn't need refrigerating. I cannot describe how hideous the stuff was.
Alternatively, there is that other vile option: Nescafé (or worse, Maxwell House) with Coffeemate. Oh the memories of the carpet warehouse come flooding back.
Problem solved... During the day I usually go for 50/50 assam/dargeeling but I spotted this Kenyan thought I'd give it a qo. Evenings is when the lapsing soushong comes out - goes wonderfully well with a glass of Laphroaig.
The only times I drink tea are if I am a guest, the host offers tea without a coffee option, and it would be impolite to refuse. I may discreetly dispose of the vile stuff, if I can get the chance, but otherwise grin and bear it. I always make coffee for myself, grinding the beans fresh every time. Taylor's Italian style beans are one good option among several.
Tea all the way. I do love loose, but too lazy to make it all the time. Tea bags of choice are PG, strong with a dash of milk and 1/2 ta spoon of sugar. occasionally I do like it black. With some lemon if we have any in.