40 Years Since Thatcher

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by richgilb, May 6, 2019.

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  1. Every MP in Edinburgh and Glasgow has pledged their support for divestment from fossil fuels of their own Parliamentary Pension Fund. 15 City of Edinburgh Councillors have pledged support for the Lothian Pension Fund to divest.

    Council pension funds in Haringey, Waltham Forest, Southwark and South Yorkshire have begun divesting from fossil fuels, along with the Irish Parliament and Glasgow and Edinburgh Universities. Across the world 899 institutions, with total investments valued at $6.17 trillion USD, have committed to divest from fossil fuels.

    how many councils are run by you know who? i didnt ask who was the biggest group in the councils btw, but who has in the past and what right on party has formed aliances in the last two years to keep you know who, out and maintain the red and blue hegmony?.
    and jack shit to do with privitisation of public services.
  2. dad was deed long time by then. pennyless we where.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Is that you finally admitting, "they all do that sir? " :D:D
  4. theres nothing to admit (like its a crime).
    and that has nothing to do with the fact that most privitised services have proven to be more expensive in the long run.
    theres nothing unusual in watching the same faces deffend, short term, glorious five year plan
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  5. You seem to be suggesting fin, a body where the top officials are not by the people elected, Have no end date to their role, a centralised foreign body running everything....now where would we get one of those :thinkingface:
  6. i dont know how you got to that,noob. (i do actually)
    and i dont doubt you will not the first to blame the EU for thachernomics either
  7. Sorry to hear that.... I'll delete my comment.
  8. no need.
    the sentiment will remain.
  9. Her legacy means most on here could buy expensive bikes. Many wont like it, but that’s what it is.
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  10. Undoubtedly more by coincidence than planning, the reduction of coal dependency may have effected some of our parents but our grandchildren will see the benefits
  11. There were winners and losers but as somebody who works hard and worked with a bunch of public sector slackers who unlike the miners who wanted a fair days pay for a hard days work did naf all for loads of money she did well breaking the monopolies . Pole tax fair , council tax iant . Bottom line though this thread wont change anyone opinion so who really cares . Thanks for the pension from 50 though maggie
  12. On PCP......
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. not too many positives so far ......... evil, evil bitch
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. for years there has been various threads on here, and convos across the Uk about how we are shafted by EU elites and The indignation of having to send them 350mill a week, less rebate and returns for that investment. i'v seen people argue that she was good for the working man.
    i have seen people over the weekend there waving flags and singing "god save the queen" who wont make it to 60. "the Glasgow effect". (other inner city's are available) food banks, homelessness, all on the rise. family's that haven't worked for three generations, and nor would I employ them. each and every one of them arguing for thatcher will use the phrase, UNITED Kingdom.
    tbh, and in the interest of balance, I see an electable in the UK labour party as just being the other cheek of the same arse. and when it comes to leadership, Corbin is just a dick, and every brexiteer is moaning about the 30 odd bill we may have to sent to the EU to square up our obligations. deary dear
    In just THREE MONTHS, the investment return alone from its national oil fund was around £64 billion – more money than the total annual budget of Scotland, including both Scottish Government spending and money spent by the UK “on our behalf”.

    (If you click that link, you can see the value of the fund increase and – less frequently – decrease live in hypnotic real time. We watched it for a few minutes, during which time it added over 220m Krone, or around £20 million.)
  15. As long as you continue to be brainwashed fin, you will always see the U.K.'s resources, as Scotland's only.

    There is no cure for what you've got :D
  16. Agree with you.
    Many European countries have a form of the poll tax. Our 4 bedroom barn conversion in Germany costs us about £100 a year for the property tax, for the two of us to life here. That’s pretty good I think. that allied to the local councils here not squandering our taxes is great.
  17. Do you own your own home? Are you from hard working, working class ‘stock’? I do, I am, and what was started by thatcher allowed me too.

    There are positives (less strikes, no power outages, trains that mostly run) and negatives (Wales and parts of NE decimated of jobs, lack of council housing, too many utilities like water sold off, rise of Tony Blair!)

    Btw I never voted for thatcher nor was I a Tory supporter, but as I matured and take off my generational-goggles I realised the world isn’t all red or blue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. You and AirCon are fence sitters take those rose tinted glasses off lads the Capitalist system has broke, time for some pain again.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Couldn’t agree more with the last statement. It’s entirely broken: no rules for the rich, too punitive rules for the rest. Profit is above safety (regardless what Boeing day) and the thought of the greater-good is lost. You only have to look how aggressive and lacking in consideration road users are to see what society has become.

    Unless it’s ever tightening citizen-spying laws. They seem well supported by govt..!
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