Who's going to win?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by abmatt2002, Mar 16, 2013.


Who will win 6 nations?

Poll closed Mar 17, 2013.
  1. England

    7 vote(s)
  2. Wales

    3 vote(s)
  3. Draw

    0 vote(s)
  1. So who's going to win? England, Wales or a draw. Will Wales win but not by 8 points for the championship?

    my money's on England, but it will be close. Only 5-7 points in it.
    #1 abmatt2002, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  2. One of them will win.

    What do I win? :smile:
  3. ENNNGGGGERRRLAAAAND! i will take ANY bets on this....:upyeah:
  4. Nothing for a draw...
  5. Well not England at this rate. The experience of Wales is showing.
  6. That Katherine Jenkins is playing a blinder from all the mentions she's getting :upyeah:
  7. Every time this ref manages an England game there's lots of penalties against...
  8. I'll bet you ten grand :upyeah:
  9. Who's this ed from Devon bloke they keep shouting about?
  10. Actually...no excuses, the better team is winning
  11. Wales are playing out of their skin. Fair play to them.
  12. Sorry......not voting.......I ain't got no time for cricket.....

  13. And on another positive note my boys thrashed the Paddies too :upyeah:
  14. Well that didn't go as planned. Dreading work Monday! The better, more experienced team won though. You need loses like that when you're developing so hopefully it doesn't get repeated.
  15. I'll PM you my bank details :smile:
  16. We was thrashed. Comprehensively outplayed in every department by a better team in front of a rampant crowd.

    Losing is not a problem. But being completely humiliated and then gloated over - it's tough.

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Yesterday's Rugby International !!!

    Is it me , or has it been quiet on here regarding yesterday's Rugby International Wales V England ???
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Didn't know there was any on.:mad:
  19. Lol. Not many of us Welsh on here, and the English would rather yesterday be erased from history altogether!!!!
  20. There is another thread about it. Post on that!
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