Anyone Had A French Speeding Ticket....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by richgilb, May 9, 2019.

  1. ....and ignored it?
  2. Nope. We got an instant 6mnth ban and walked to the cashpoint and each relieved of 750Euros. Plus we had to get someone to drive over and collect our bikes.

    Gendarmes were real gents. One even allowed us to park our bikes in his compound until our trailer arrived.
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  3. Any idea -even roughly- how fast you were going?
  4. How about just paying it?
  5. 126mph we were radar'd at. (on a 90kph road) Which was a relief as only a moment or so before we were in excess of 150+

    The road was wide, empty and like in great nick, visibility was excellent, could see road for miles, we had a full pack of cigarettes and wearing dark visors, hit it. Road was wide sweeper after wide sweeper and my old 1198 was just stretching her legs. Fantastic piece of tarmac.

    Its fair to say we were bricking it and expecting the Bastille. Over here, plod wouldve thrown the book at us. Over there, a shrug, a smile and a comment that "our peleton was good". We werent racing, just 'pressing on'.

    Bar Sur Aube nr Troyes, watch it round there.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. To clarify...I got the notice through the post 5 months ago and have only just noticed it, as I work away from home and have noone in UK to manage stuff like this for me. The fine is now 375 euros, according to the first ticket they sent. You need to pay them within 76 days, they say, or it goes up to 375 euros. They have not sent anything since.

    The fine is so high now that ignoring it seems the way forward, as the fine does not increase, according to the notice I got. Just interest payments via debt collection agencies, who also have not yet written to me. So.....really hoping to find someone here that has been in a similar situation.
  7. Fcuk
    Do you live over there, or did you have to get the bikes shipped back?
  8. About 65kmh in a 50 I think. It does not say on the note.
  9. PS, I know a lad got six months in Walton for not far off that. Lovely lad too
  10. There's no way for other EU countries to follow up the fines other than sending you nasty letters. They all have access to the shared drivers database but thats it. A couple of countries such as Germany keep databases for certain types of speeding fines which they could chase you for in country if they pull you over later, I'm not aware of this in France but not certain.
  11. Fortunately matey who was with us wife is pals with a lady whos hubby couriers race cars around the continent. So he came and got us. Cost us an addition 700 though each. Was an expensive trip, but looking back a good experience too.

    I cant commend the gendarmes enough though. They were great. Honest. I love the French, theyre ace.
    • Like Like x 4
  12. Was the letter signed for? If not there is no proof that you ever recieved it.
  13. Agree entirely.
    From my recent experiences with European Road tolls, I have been notified by debt collection agencies (only not paid by mistake)
  14. no, just normal mail.
  15. Which bit are you agreeing with?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. They are pretty chilled out on the roads in France. Bit selfish but no nasty business really. I've not been stopped by the bacon in France since 1994 for not wearing a helmet on my Vespa. No fine, just told me to go and get my helmet.
  17. A margin such as that would usually incur a 90€ fine, reducing to 45€ if paid promptly. I tend to get a few of these every once in a while and generally pay them uncontested.
    I look upon them as a kind of indirect taxation as I’m grateful for the standard of living my adopted nation affords me.
    Send them 45€ to keep the yin and yang in balance!
  18. Hoping to see more posts like this!

    If you are right, you would have to have the same vehicle for that bit to work, regarding pulling you over later on. I cant envisage passport numbers or licence numbers being linked to the offence. But you never know....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Ha! Well....they have gone wondering if it is best to leave the situation alone. At least until further threats come.

    Where do you live?
    • Like Like x 1
  20. The post on here that says they do not employ collection agents is not my experience. I had a visit after ignoring German tickets . Two fines
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