As above. I had a non - fault accident 2 years ago and the solicitors handling it have pi$$ed me off for the last flippin' time! I'm planning on pulling the file and handing it over to another firm. Obviously I don't want to hand it over to another bunch of f'ing monkeys! Recommendations please. Thanks
And if you don't pay up, they will have a lien on the papers until you do pay. That means the old solicitors are entitled to refuse to send the case papers on to the new solicitors until you have paid their bill in full. Just so you know what to expect. There is an old saying: Lawyers' houses are roofed with the skins of litigants.
Minster law. Superb service and very experienced. They are handling a p.i. claim for me now, and handled one about 18 months ago when my gpz was written off. Highly recommend from first hand experience. You can find them VIA Google, but I'll dig out the phone number. They are based in York.
Buddy,you're only at the starting line...I got biffed off my BMW a while back in front of SEVEN Met Filth,four of whom insisted on riding in the ambulance with me to the hospital,assuring me all the way that,and I quote,"I was going to get a good few quid out of this",as they all agreed that I was 100% blameless.It took eight years to settle,only ending when the thieving scum lawyers had wrung every penny they could out of our respective insurers and a court hearing was imminent....
Coles Miller. Helped me out no end. They are Bournemouth based and I'm in London, but that didn't matter at all
Thanks for the responses and pm. Really appreciated... Andy, two reasons, firstly due to the nature of the injuries I was advised to leave a year between the medical examinations, this would establish the permanence of the damage. Secondly.... My soliciotors are buffoons! The medical reports have both been inaccurate, yet I'm being pressured to accept, as to do otherwise will only incur more delays and expense!
So is it the medical examinations then that are influencing the Solicitors? Who motivated which medical examiners, can you get an independent report done? Remember, 1) there are generally no rights or wrongs, just opinions. 2) More often than not to settle out of court you have to be in Court, well at least set up in the queue.
Slightly aside..... The majority of solicitors IMO are a dead loss and have to be guided by the client rather than advising a client correctly. For example, I got nicked for speeding a number of years ago by a camera set-up. Without going into the case (It is on Pepipoo and I won the case in the end), my solicitor wrote to me after consultation in his office stating "It appears that you could be guilty of speeding in two locations"... Anyone see anything wrong in that? I really needed that sort of help in Court, didn't I? AL
That sounds about right.I had a no-win/no fee deal,after eight bloody years I was told if I didn't accept a crap offer I would be liable for all fees if I lost in court.(Their bill was going to be £14.5k,over double what I was being offered).I told them to stuff it,and that I would never settle if their bill was a single penny more than I was going to get. Miracle of miracles,12 hours later they were offering profuse apologies and double the previous settlement...
True in part. The second examination is inaccurate, despite actually taking copies of correspondence with me and handing to the examiner, as I suspected these would be missing from the file. Following the second examination, which was with a different "expert" to the the first, there were four points/omissions I wanted correcting, after 4 months waiting the solicitor (Assistant Case Manager ) has sent a new report. Only one small correction as been made, no mention of the others, and a form to sign accepting the report. Also a note asking me to check and agree the enclosed list of expenses/uninsured loses.... There was no list! Post accident I suspect my case was sold to the highest bidding legal farm, in hindsight I should have refused to let them have the case. Unfortunately I was/am naive when it comes to these kind of claims, I also had other things on my mind, like whether I was going to be able to walk unaided again.
Sorry I cannot understand what points you are trying to make here, even after reading your post several times. Would you care to clarify?
Nelson Firstly good luck in sorting it out - sounds like you have a nasty injury and that the main thing is you getting right again Please be aware that post 1st april the rules all change so that its likely that any 'new' solicitor will need to charge you a % of your damages if taking the case on Its really important that if you are intending to change you get a move on as it could prove to be very difficult after 1st april Also be aware that after that date you wont be able to get insurance to cover you against the other sides costs - its complicated but basically you need it and your current solicitor should have you signed up already - thing is it may be nigh on impossible to swap that cover to another solicitor and if you need new cover this needs to be done asap and in any event before 1st April HTH Nick
Without wishing to speak for Al, I interpreted thus: They're a bunch of shysters who couldn't give a fuck about anything other than lining their own pockets, and don't necessarily have your best interests at heart.