Time Travel

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. OK you've all got one go and for one hour only

    Of course we could discus the theory as well - over to you lot
  2. Dallas Book Depositry, 1963 - the day JFK was shot - just to prove that Lee Harvey Oswold really wasn't the one who shot Kennedy... ( Cue hail of conspiricy theorists... )
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  3. 7pm on the 7th August 2012 - biggest ever Euromillions Jackpot pool was €190 million for draw numbers 509 AND 510 on 7th and 10th August 2012
  4. 20 July 1944 at Rastenburg, East Prussia. To help Claus Graf von Stauffenberg position the bomb nearer to Hitler.
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  5. This Friday night for the euro millions draw numbers. Futures not written yet.

    stuff going to the past. Who knows what the ramifications might be!
  6. I think I'd go back to dec 21st 1972 and see what really happened, but I'd like longer than a hour though please :)
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  7. Why would you want to know about this being laid before Parliament?

    The Cooking Utensils (Safety) Regulations 1972
  8. Amsterdam 2004. One of the best days of my life (no drugs). I'd have another hour of that.
  9. Call me a romantic old fool but I don't need a hour - just two minutes would do.

    Crossing Madeira Drive in Brighton in the morning on a bright spring day some 20 years ago with someone I was very much in love with at the time. Looking down the beach towards Kemp Town as it was slowly beginning to come to life. It was a perfect moment, the possibilities of life seemed limitless and for those two minutes I had a feeling of complete bliss and contentment I've never had before or since.

    Weird what you remember innit!?!
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  10. I was thinking i'd help pete1950 and make sure Hitler got his. On second thoughts though i'd go back to the first world war and make sure the event that wounded him took him out proper and much earlier.
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  11. Steady on - with no Hitler earlier, Stalin gets to take over the whole of Europe unimpeded. I'll go for 1944, please.
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  12. I'd go back to the time of Moses. You know, trim back one or two of those unnecessary Commandments, maybe add a few of my own. Yeah.
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  13. This thread reminds me of The Time Tunnel - where the protagonists went back in time and shouted things like "Mind that iceberg!" to no avail.

    Good programme, if I remember correctly.
  14. Yep, I remember The Time Tunnel. Every week they achieved precisely nothing. Good times.
  15. At last we know who was the "God of Israel" - it was you all the time.
  16. Hey, I don't like to talk about it but ... yeah.

    But I'd gladly swap "Israel" with "The Track" as my epithet.
  17. id really kick bishop brennen up the arse.
  18. 8th May 1945 [​IMG]
  19. Summer of 1999 to bone that chick I never boned at the end :p

    For real 1h is not enough so above is the only feasible option.

    You go back for lottery, time paradox and lottery numbers change. You go back to see who killed JFK and it turns out it was you who got them thinking it was Oswold. Worse is you find out nothing. Even worse you do find out, spill the beans and come back to WW3.

    No thank you. Boaning a chick seems harmless enough.
  20. Unless that is her surnames Connor
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