If not Suzi Perry......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Sphincter = Diode
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  2. Well, you've got to admit that his chances would be considerably superior to most of ours.

    Fab guitar that BTW. Do we think a Tele or a Strat? I was thinking a Tele.
    #64 gliddofglood, Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2013
  3. Georgia Salpa, Kelly Brook, or my misses ;-)
  4. Not bad at 72

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  5. Nigella Lawson for me :)
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  6. Can I watch? :smile:
  7. One of the problems these days. Photoshop has raised the entire game. There isn't a photo of a celeb available (apart from those paparazzi long distance shots where the aim is to make the target look awful) that hasn't been photoshopped. So 72 year olds now look like 30 year olds, and everyone has perfect skin and figure. Of course, in real life, you (and they) haven't, so you just look like an old bin bag in comparison to current expectations. Goes for women and men, (though if you're a Ferrari owner, you can't photoshop that).
  8. kelly.jpg oh how i would lust after this woman. Please dont post a recent photo of her it would shatter my illusion

  9. Britt Ekland for me, wicker man era. Beautiful..........:tongue:
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  10. Good call, great movie.
  11. Kim Cattrall - post "Porkies", but pre "Sex And The City"... About the time she did "Manequin", "Masquerade" or "Midnight Crossing"... I saw her live on stage in "Who's Life Is It Anyway" in London a few years ago... Gorgeous woman !
  12. But a scouser :frown:
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  13. Eh nothing wrong with a scouser ET
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  14. Personally Sandra Bullock, but when talking engines or bikes Suzi Perry would be hard to beat and often invited to the table. Forget VBH, she's a has been tbh...
  15. Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan (the blue woman from Farscape)!
  16. No one giving a shout for Cameron Diaz?! Ok a bit marmite for some, great in something about Mary and Charlie's angels tho, and knows engines...or Megan Fox in her role in Transformers...now all I can think of is Charlies angels..even Drew Barrymore looked great in that movie!
  17. Really! I can't keep up with who's a marmite minor and who's not..lol

    Rossi's new bird looks a good un.
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