1200 Seized Hub Eccentric

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Technomad, May 23, 2019.

  1. Should the eccentric hub be greased or sit dry? Or any other suggestions about how to stop it seizing?

    Went to tweak the chain tension yesterday, ahead of the MoT. The swing arm was removed, cleaned and refitted last summer, so I was expecting a fairly easy time of it. Nope. Was locked solid - I last needed to adjust the chain in about November. Tried riding around and jumping on the back brake with the pinch bolts undone, then again with releasing oil liberally applied. Then tried a mighty heave on that nice big custom stainless steel C-spanner that we all bought a few years ago. Too mighty: the bloody spanner bent, and there was a small but significant ‘ping!’ From my left wrist, as I rebroke it (old skiing injury that obviously hadn’t quite knitted properly).

    I finally got the bugger sorted with the old screwdriver + lump hammer, but I’m really rather keen not to have to go through that again - I’m rapidly running out of working joints.

    At least it passed its MoT...
  2. Definitely supposed to be greased. “B” grease IIRC from manual. High pressure moly.
  3. When you say the swing arm was removed does that mean that the swing arm or the hub was removed from the swing arm.

    Removing and re greasing the hub would be my first job. Leave the swing arm in.

  4. Both: I had the swing arm replaced due to all the paint having fallen off the original. I can’t imagine that the guy I used didn’t grease it - he’s known for attention to detail - so was surprised that it had seized.
  5. The hub often fills with crap through an opening in the swing arm and is a problem. Do a thread search to get further info. My hub felt stiff and wanted to adjust chain, luckily it was service time so had It all removed, cleaned and regreased.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Thanks largely to the "improvement" in manufacturing and assembly techniques since the 748, I'll be replacing the complete eccentric on my Multistrada instead of just fitting new bearings. Fitted a new rear axle and disc today and the bearings are awfully notch. Andy
  7. #7 shorton, May 23, 2019
    Last edited: May 23, 2019
  8. Thanks for the link - I’ll either print that or make up something similar: as my drive is a km of motocross track (on a good day), I’m sure that I collect crap by the bucketload.
  9. You lucky lucky man. Has it got any table tops ? :grinning:

  10. I came back from a tour of Norway riding gravel roads and the hub seized when i went to adjust it some time later ..... the bloke that looks after my bike at the next service emptied a shitload of gravel out of the swingarm and it worked fine after. I will be getting one of those block plates for the replacement Multi
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Check out this post. 3 holes in total that I found. The cap only stops one not the other 2 in the chain area. Bit fiddly to do but done nearly 600 miles since and still intact.
    My hub was a nightmare to get out and it wasn’t seized. I would say try the drain hole first and even make it bigger then try some water in the hole where chain runs to clear it out via drain hole. Make the removal of the hub easier hopefully.

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