The “horseshoe"

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by MoondogNYC, May 23, 2019.

  1. On the new 950(SP) HyperMotards, hasn’t anyone removed the “horseshoe” yet??
    Come on people!! I mean, there are so many Hyper owners that are smarter and more capable than I.
    Here is a pic of the bike where I just removed it with printshop. Simple, but wow!, so much nicer.

    Image 5-12-19 at 2.09 PM.jpg
    #1 MoondogNYC, May 23, 2019
    Last edited: May 23, 2019
  2. Im sorry....what. am i looking at??
  3. yeah I'm lost also, can we have a before & after?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Is a Spot The Difference puzzle... so far I am failing too..
  5. I guess he is referring to the tail and number plate unit as the Horse Shoe??
  6. Glad you asked. The rear tail section on the new 950 is affectionately known as the horseshoe. It is considered by many, unattractive and thus the removal of said eyesore is the subject of this thread. The first post pic actually shows it removed. Glad you didn’t notice. Here is the before pic.

  7. Shouldnt be hard to sort fab one on a 3d printer but i dont have a 950 to hand as it were...
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  8. Replace it by a shorter one like many have done

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  9. I always feel sorry for the bloke in the design briefing that gets given number plate bracket task. Him and the exhaust and mirrors guy.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Shorter what?
  11. ehh. the thing you call horseshoe and you removed from the picture.
  12. Otherwise known as the tail tidy mod.
  13. Kinda the opposite with a multi.
    Keep the tail end and throw the rest if the ugly bike away..
    • Funny Funny x 7
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. It can't be that shit if we didn't notice it was missing.
  15. Come on guys... We’re talking about the rear light cluster here not a tail tidy.
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  16. bit difficult given our road regulations and cash happy plod.
  17. that wasn't clear for me, the whole tail section was photoshopped
  18. Personally I think the 'horseshoe' looks good, the tail tidy not so good.
  19. Correct, the horseshoe most refer to is the light cluster and painted tail piece.
    I’m hoping someone who Hs a 950/SP can lead with an example of how they have tackled the visual obstacle.
    While some may not mind the look, MANY have cited just the opposite.
  20. Dont think iv ever heard anyone say anything bad about your so called "horseshoe". Nor have i ever heard anyone refer to it as a "horseshoe".
    Not a fan of the picture with it removed. Looks like theres something missing back of the bike looks unfinished without it
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