British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. The question ended with a question mark.

    The rest is opinion.

    Where are the statements of fact?
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  2. Self administered advice there Dukey

    Dukey .jpg
  3. Brexshit Britain - Falling apart at the seams.
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  4. See post #32942 :kissing:
  5. What is the difference between UKIP and The Brexit Party? Serious question, not having lived in the UK for the last 8 years.
  6. The Brexit party has no manifesto? (because they are a lie....erm...UKIP had a they must have been lying....)

    Dunno, new wrapper, same sh1T?
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  7. See post #32942 :kissing:
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  8. Brexit Party is the party Fromage moved too after the money ran out for the UKIPpers.

    A turd rolled in glitter is still a turd.
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  9. Brussels (CNN)European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has lashed out at "stupid nationalists" on the eve of European elections in which euroskeptic politicians are expected to make gains in the European Parliament.

    In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, the outgoing president said he was only too aware of the threat that nationalist politicians pose to European solidarity, which Juncker called the "main objective of the EU."
    Some polls project that populists may become the most powerful group in the parliament following this week's elections in all 28 EU nations, resulting in a lasting impact on the future of the bloc and the continent at large. "These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries," Juncker told CNN in his Brussels office.


    I love European countries too - the fekkin' idiot :bucktooth:
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  10. You are very sparkly tonight Dukey :thinkingface:
  11. which means, all the scare story's of army's an ever closer union going right oot the window.
    ie. the people will get the Parliament it wants.
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  12. Ooooh, tell me more :thinkingface:
  13. Ukip once it had won the vote in 2016 really ceased to be needed and shortly after farrage stepped down. It had a few leaders who never re-ignited the party and the current one Mr Batten, whilst saying it hasn't wondered into tommy robinson land, will i'm sure look back in future years and realise he could have done things differently

    Brexit party, on the manifesto, farrage was asked why the brexit didn't have one? He said, all the other parties have one and they have largely failed on theirs so why have one just for the euro vote? As much as they attack farrage, have you noticed hardly any of the candidates have been attacked as a candidate by conventional msm or the odd world of social media? They offer a diverse candidacy and are easy to find for you to check yourself

    Refreshingly, they are not seeking to confuse and link everything with everything in a way that they fail to give a clear answer. They want the peoples democratic majority vote acted on and in a way that closest matches that vote, a wto & free trade clean break from the eu management company knowing only a clean break will bring the years of constant bickering to an end so we can finally move forward. it's not the decision that is causing the issue but the uncertainty and delay is
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  14. Hardly a scare story fin, had not as expected, the people raised their voices and said enough of this centralisation, it would have gone, and still may go ahead. People are becoming more aware what the eu is upto
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Thanks to Brexit :blush:
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  16. think about it for a mo.
    but in the mean time 28 independent countries. 13? groups of different partys elected in a PR gov. representing normal people like me and you. why would they want ever closer union?. have they elected partys to get em out, or reform?
  17. I could not agree more with this. This is the crux of the problem. People & businesses just want stability, then we/they can plan accordingly. The last 3 years of not knowing WTF is happening have caused the issues that we all face. I blame Parliament.

    SWMBO told me joke this morning which is very apt - apologies if you've heard it before.

    Daughter - 'Mum, can you get pregnant from having anal sex?'
    Mother - 'Of course you can darling, that's how politicians are born; arseholes, the lot of them'.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Ooooh, tell me more :thinkingface:
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  19. think about it.
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