Getting A Little Excited

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by jack999s, May 29, 2019.

  1. Great bikes, I had a 16 Touno Factory replaced last year with an 18 Tuono Factory.
    I too was initially concerned about need to worry though. Never missed a beat either of 'em
    Don't think you'll regret it
  2. i think its the width of seat, sends your thighs horizontal robbing you of inside leg inches, trick is to slide off seat when you come to stop. theres always compromises, tuono doesnt have many. just stick gaffa tape over the lean angle indicator o_O
  3. aprilia have good reliability, they are not typical italians.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Chiz in Italy?
  6. For one split second as I was skimming through I thought I read that you had sold an 888 to buy an aprilia :joy::joy::joy:...... oh wait.... :eek:........;)
  7. Not only an 888 the SFs aswell :p:)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. ducatis are nice to look at, aprilias are nice to listen to, both are nice to ride.
  9. Have you heard an old Desmoquattro on the overrun recently? :cool: I suppose all music is subjective to the listener ;)
  10. Enjoy, I have had a few Aprilias, they have all been good bikes :upyeah:
  11. I’m test riding 1 next week
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  12. They look bonkers on YouTube, miss my little rs 250 I like aprillia but the seat height on the milles was hideous for a dwarfe like me
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I don’t think you will miss them that much, this bike looks awesome, it’s everything in one I bet it’s the type of bike that makes you grin and wee at the same time unfortunately you will probably be clothed and riding it at that point.
  14. I’ve got a 2016 Tuono Factory, best road bike I’ve ridden. I bet the 2019 bike is awesome if it’s anything like the new RSV4 I took out
  15. It was remarkably comfortable on my test ride, but that is bearing in mind its more than 20 years since I last had a bike with high bars. Only thing it is missing are heated handlebar grips. The KTM had them and they were very welcome.
  16. missed my 250, so bought another !
    • Like Like x 1
  17. its a real shame theres no heated grips
  18. Wise move I’m envious
  19. Just add some aftermarket ones.

    The Yamaha ones look quite unobtrusive and “factory”-esq
  20. The dealer was looking into aftermarket fitment as well.
    After riding it, it wasn't a deal breaker.....
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