Anthony Joshua Fight * Spoiler*

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wassy, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. Who?
  2. Joshua.
  3. Oh... :laughing::laughing:
  4. Those blows to the top of the head scramble your senses big time. It seems to take longer to recover from those than a whack in the jaw.

    I don't think it's AJ himself that gets the hate. I'd say it's the way the media fawn all over him that gets on peoples tits. That's the way I feel about it anyhow.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Agree with you on both points.

    Top of the head seems to be a close second to the back of the head for discombobulation (ok I just wanted to say discombobulation).

    AJ has this very plastic inauthentic image. I like him the most when he gets irritated - it’s menacing. But, I’m ok with the plastic look if it leads some of the yoot to be less moronic and inspires them to be slightly less idiotic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I think there was a video that showed him in his corner after getting a lump on the top of his head where his corner was saying just stick to your one two's and him replying why am I feeling like this?
  7. He’s a good looking lad, easy to see how the media love him, and he is/was a marketers dream but i agree, it’s not a very authentic image. Mate trained in the same gym and, whilst he says nice guy, not as clean cut as perhaps the media would have you believe.

    Went to watch said mate at the o2, and got chatting to a very attractive and chatty girl ringside. “ my boyfriends fighting later” a couple of hours and a few drinks later, in to the ring walks AJ “oh that’s him”, I felt a little vulnerable...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. No doubt about it. The media don't bang on about his past criminality. Like the assaults and drug dealing. And being banged up in prison. I've also heard he can be a bit of an arse. Mind you, so can I :laughing:

    But oh no, he's a clean cut lovely lad and Under Armour's pin up boy. It's funny how they (media) don't buff up Tyson Fury in the same way. But I have my theories.
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  9. If it acts as a good role model to kids and those entering boxing on how to behave, all good for once on the MSM
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. My theory:
    It makes a lot of people a lot of money, when there is no profit in promoting them , they'll get dropped before they can blin, or worse if it makes money to discredit them they'll do that. :pensive:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Plus the BBC always seem hyper eager to fawn all over black and ethnic minority sports personalities. To inject positivity, if you will. Which is fair enough. Mo Farah springs to mind, a total and utter bell end in real life but he can run like feck and is highly marketable as long as they can mask his bell endishness.
  12. Bellendishness seems to go hand in hand with those promoted to celebrity status regardless of skin tone. You have to be a certain type of arsehole to rise to the top of your game ( no judgement there, you have to have some selfishness).
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  13. Not sure about that, he did ok against klitchko to be fair fella
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  14. fuck the gym I'm going back to Greggs
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. You can't self proclaim to be an arse, you arse...…………. ah, I see what you did there...……… I think :thinkingface:
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