V4 V4r

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by duke63, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. Heaven forbid anyone should have a play with their £35k toy on closed, unrestricted roads during TT week
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  2. No idea mate. Once op said it was one way, all looked good to me :upyeah: I have been on rides that have been more frantic than that....150 up on the hill eh :astonished::upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. @squeezey bit early to be on the Red Stripe no ???

    @JoeC you're only one f*** up away from being her ex and starting a 'woe be me' thread, no one likes smug?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. WOW. I thought given the conditions and the other riders on the road, it was quite a sensible ride, always aware of the riders in front of him and waiting prior to overtaking and not just blasting past them.

    Hmm, each to there own maybe.
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  5. I had to watch the video again after reading the above. As much for my own safety as seeing what all the fuss was about, as i didn't see one below the belt overtake in that whole thing. I thought @Chillo was very considerate to the other road users, who also I might add played their part brilliantly aswell - everyone moved over when they knew (or not) that someone faster was (or could be) coming up on the right hand side, over to the left, and it looks like a fun day out was had by all.

    Clearly, the video reeks of arrogance, off with his head! How dare he be successful enough to be able to spend his own money he has earnt on something that he wants, and will bring him pleasure. The cheek of it.

    Don't expect a Christmas card from me @Chillo !
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  6. I have the same shoes, what a co-incidence.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. only thing wrong with that video is the sound!! seen ten times worse riding in rush hour! agree with the other chaps here, I thought it was pretty courteous and didn't to anything to spook or endanger other riders...
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  8. So have I !!!!!!
  9. Wow! Bit of a strong statement! you appear to be carrying a serious sized chip dude!
    I was giving everyone plenty of space. Chill.

    Yep conditions were far from perfect hence short shifting and not using full throttle, giving everyone space and not just blasting past slower riders. Does it matter what bike anyone rides? I was at the TT enjoying riding the Mountain course like every other biker there!

    Oh and it's a £41k toy with the race kit and the obscene amount of carbon extras ;)
    No issue with a 'quick road rider stuffing it up the inside of me' :rolleyes:

    To clarify for anyone who doesn't know, for the 2 weeks of the TT the mountain road from Ramsey hairpin to Creg Ny Baa is one way with NO SPEED LIMIT.

    I shared the video as this is a v4r thread and some may find it interesting and informative!
    Oh well :(
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  10. You can’t please all of the people all of the time!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Ignore him and thanks for the share, would love to get over to the TT ....

    As an aside are you the same Chillo that posted on the D SPIT SC back in the day that killed an M3 CSL? A far greater crime than this video !!!
  12. So sweepstake on who has 'Right Click / Saved As' on this one ?????
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Re pic at post #448.
    If that’s how tidy she is on the domestic front, then in the words of Dragons Den; ‘it’s a no from me’.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. You mean Ducati Sporting club? I used to post there! ;)
    I had a CSL but never killed it! (although I did kill an M3 cab!)
    Still miss the CSL to this day! epic car! (GruppeM on mine!)
  15. 6E4FE166-8D00-4F9E-9713-4E080390FDF5.jpeg A632D6EC-8DB9-47BA-8B2C-C380F5025F6E.png Elsewhere, I’m at 900 miles on my R now, which is a massive achievement for me as I sometimes only achieve that mileage in a year.

    My mate and I took the R and my old MV over to Caffeine and Machine last weekend to have a look at all the shiny things, both of us absolutely shitting ourselves the entire time that we’d be the subject of one of their savage “man on a Ducati- don’t come back. #DontBeADick” posts, but to my absolute relief not only did we not get told off, but for the next few days we were featured on their social media.

    As an aside, it was really interesting to watch several people claim ownership of my bikes on Facebook et al (I haven’t mentioned that they’re mine anywhere but here), and when I dropped one really aggressively boast-y chap a pm about it (not with a view of outing him or anything, I couldn’t care less, and if it makes him feel happy then that’s lovely), he told me that he’d come to my house and murder me if I told anyone.

    I asked him if he wouldn’t mind bringing my bikes back whilst he was here, but he didn’t think it was funny.

    Also, now that @nelly has fitted the exhaust it makes a proper noise. All exotic and V4-y. I love it.
    #455 Nervy, Jun 5, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. well you dont even have an avatar!!! :rolleyes:
  17. You seen his 'other' pics then?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. no, just the one where she was 11 sat on the army truck
  19. I know I’m a bit late to the argument here, but I really can’t see anything to get annoyed about with Chillo’s ride, the guys just using the bike as intended, sometimes the camera also distorts/shortens distances as well don’t forget.

    I’m sure Chillo would be the last person to want to make “contact “ with anyone else on the road, that’s an expensive toy to lob !!!
    Seriously, if you go to the TT you don’t expect people to ride/drive like bloody vicars now do you???

    Enjoyed the video Chillo, ...don’t forget, opinions are like arseholes....everybody’s got one !!!
    • Agree Agree x 4
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