1000 V4 Multistrada

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steviegtr, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. I demoed a 1260 yesterday and was pretty blown away by the engine. I wonder how the V4 would differ? The 1260 is SO smooth in comparison to my 2010 Mutley, it was ridiculous. I'm left wondering what the V4 could add...More power? Yay! :)
    #101 Firebladeboy, Jun 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
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  2. I had a 2010 Multey foe 8 years, and thought it was the dogs, until I rode my 1260 Pikes Peak, which is simply sublime and bloody amazing all in one go !!
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  3. Maybe not more outright power but; for future European legislation for bike engines it may be the power plant of choice. To keep in line with later regs and still be fun/fast and be emissions friendly? (Ish).
  4. Also tried the new 1250 GS. At 5000 rpm the shift cam kicks in. Very impressed with it.
  5. Yup, I can see that. I was on the Base one and it was crackin'! I'm sure the PP version would ROCK!
  6. V4 Streetfighter to be announced next week in 13th.
  7. Did you find the engine braking a bit much at first? That was the one thing I noticed yesterday. Makes it a little difficult to ride smoothly as every time you roll off the throttle it feels like you've thrown the anchors out. I can see you'd get used to it but it was a bit irritating at first...
  8. You obviously wren't riding hard enough.. ;)

    Engine braking means you hardly need to use the brakes..
  9. #MustTryHarder It's true though! I hardly needed the brakes (though they seemed very good when I did)
  10. Where you in Sport mode? I found it wasn't as severe in Touring mode...
    #112 Bob_Cooper, Jun 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
  11. Touring actually. As I say, I'm sure you get used to it. I rode about 100 miles and by the end I was acclimatising.
  12. It's a Ducati… …what did you expect?
  13. Certainly more engine braking on the 1260 than my previous 1200
  14. Well, bearing in mind I have a Ducati already, I didn't expect it to be THAT much different.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Fair enough - after my 1200 I remember being surprised at how little engine braking the DVT had, so it’ll be interesting to give the 1260 a go
  16. Yeah, it’s a cracking bike. I’m still thinking about it today which is NOT a good sign for my bank account!!
  17. V4 Streetfighter 2019-ducati-streetfighter-v4-officiall-debut-pikes-peak-1.jpg
  18. fugly front end…
    • Agree Agree x 1
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