1200 DVT Poor Running Below 4000rpm And Bad Starting Idle

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by laava, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Funny thing is that it seems to be 2 different issues that both started at the same time. Apparently the bike is riding pefectly well now but still has the horrendous idle issue.
    The mechanic tells me that all the other tech people he has spoken to all point to the removal of the cat and fitment of a Ducee as the main culprits. Thing is, I did about 5000km before this issue which was immediately after having 30,000km service done, belts, valve clearances etc. So, too many random factors to make sense of anything...I have asked him if it is a bad connection, broken wire in the loom etc but his head is already spinning and he is getting stressed out trying to fix it and failing to find and attributable issue.
    He has a shop selling and fixing Dukes and has been doing it for a long time but this is the first time he has come across this issue. His accomplice tried to get a crack code for the ecu so he could tune it on the dyno but apparently the only people who can do anything like this with the DVT is Rexxer. Bike has not had the cold start reflash done so that is happening monday too...
  2. Dealer is talking rubbish about, Cat removal and Ducee causing your issue, just trying to avoid blame in my mind

    Its more likely to be an issue with belt timing or valve clearances if it occurred after your service
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. If it were valve clearances it would be consistant tho surely? And re the belt timing, I can only take his word that this has been done correctly, he has been in and rechecked and stated that it is all spot on. They work on Ducatis only although they are not a Ducati franchised dealer.
    The horrendous spitting and bucking under full throttle is the thing that had me worried to start with and he seems to think this has been fixed by replacing the IAT sensor. He took it for a lengthy ride to check it...
  4. So I will be picking my Multidrama up maybe this week after nearly 6weeks at the shop, they can't say why it wont idle and stalls when cold other than it is caused by me fitting a decat and muffler. Unless I put an upmap in it, which is unavailable by itself, this is the situation. After 5000km of running ok with the open exhaust system, apparently the "learning" cpu has decided on it's own, to make things run like shit and richen everything up to buggery. So the recommendation is to put the cat and original muffler back on, hook up the exhaust flapper and put new plugs in as the new ones in there fouled almost immediately. Very frustrated and have no confidence this will solve the issue. Not in love with my ducati anymore!
  5. Are you sure you can't get an 'upmap' somewhere?
    My ECU was originally from a Multistrada but has been reflashed by chrisw with a 999 map.
    Can someone like CJS not set it up with a custom map on their Dyno??
  6. Apparently not. The DVT ecu has a firewall that is nigh on impossible to crack so I'm told. Funny tho, was about to start another thread to ask if anyone has had any luck getting an aftermarket upmap or similar. I have googled it with mixed results so far... But I am coming to the UK in two weeks and wonder about bringing my ecu if I can get a proper job done on it...
  7. Am going to contact cjs tho thanks Oldie and see what they say...
  8. If the belts were changed, it could be that they have the timing out? The DVT is a 'mare to time up correctly, even with the factory setting tools.
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  9. Apologies for thread resurrection! Anyhow, after an extensive worldwide holiday, I took my Mts back to the shop to see if we can get it fixed. Next tuesday he has an expert with an oscilliscope booked to hook up to their new Texa Navigator. If that does not fault find then the next step is to do the same on a dyno. I have got my fingers crossed...
  10. Has it actually been to a Ducati Dealer - who has the correct Ducati Diagnostic gear?

    If not - I would suggest you do that...

    Also as Nelly (Has a Ducati Dealership) suggested... are you 100% sure the timing is correct and they have not messed up the DVT timing?
  11. Yep and yep.
    The original problems that I stated in my OP are unchanged.
    The guy who owns the business and does most of the work has worked on ducatis for years, here and in the Uk(10yrs).
    He has all the appropriate tools etc but is not a ducati franchise dealer.
    This is a very unusual situation that no-one up to this point has an explanation for.
    Hoping we get somewhere next week...
  12. Got a text today from my mechanic who says they are making good headway and found a few answers. That is not definitive but hopefully on the right track, I have been waiting for this since early feb...should know more by the end of the week.
    I have not asked what they have discovered but fairly sure they will update me.
  13. Right, so having talked extensively to my mechanic, it seems that clever software has been the problem with my bike.
    When you do a major service, changing belts, plugs and so forth you can get this condition like my bike has had. It sounds like it usually is not an issue but in the case of my bike, it got so bad it was bucking and spitting at full throttle under 4000rpm. Also would not idle properly until it warmed up a little.
    The cure? Auto adaptive parameters reset.
    I don't have the bike back but it seems this has solved the issue but we are going to give it another week in the shop for random testing and then I get it back...
    Am posting this incase any one else has similar problems and, hopefully, this will help!
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  14. Glad to hear you have finally got a fix for this Laava :upyeah:, and its turned out to be something that is relatively easy to do :cool:
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  15. I have similar things going on with my DVT Multi after I did belts and valves this past winter.
    How does one go about resetting the Auto Adaptive parameters?

    Thank you,

  16. You cannot do anything yourself to the electronics. So you have to take it to a ducati service agent and ask specifically for the AAPR as well as resetting everything else that they can or need to. The first agent that the bike was taken to did not do it and caused months of headscratching. Hope it works for you too Warren!
  17. Thanks for the heads up on this! Mine doesn't seem to be performing as badly as yours was and I have been using the bike almost daily.
    I noticed that I cannot "blip" the throttle like I'm used to when downshifting, the revs just don't come up quickly like they should.
    Also if I am running along at 3000-3500 RPM and I grab a handful of throttle quickly it won't rev, if I twist it open slower if pulls hard like it should.
    It starts just fine and if I drive it "normally" it runs great.
  18. That does sound like it needs sorting out tho Neulee?
  19. It does, but I have been trying to find out if anybody else has had similar issues that eventually got sorted out. I have always done my own maintenance and hate being at the mercy of the dealer by bringing in a bike without first knowing what needs to be done to it. I once brought it in for a check engine light, the dealer cleared the light then refused to tell me what caused it to come on. I have never been back. Thankfully that was not the dealer I purchased the bike from, just the closest one and I was trying to be cautious by not driving it a long distance.
  20. Seems I may have jinxed the bike by talking about it! Drove a hundred and sixty km's to pick it up and when I rode it, it had reverted back to crap and is now running worse than ever!☹️
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