1260 Clutch Cover Paint

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chrisjk, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. The paint on my clutch cover is wearing badly from my boot rubbing against it. Is there some popular way of stopping this - sort of Venture shield, helicopter tape or similar?
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  2. Do you wear Sidi Adventures by any chance?
  3. The paint on the clutch cover on my 1260 is now showing boot marks after 6,000 miles. Maybe T-Cut to restore and then some helicopter tape to protect. Closing door after horse has bolted maybe...?

    Dainese Goretex sport/touring style boots, zipper up the back with Goretex trousers over.
  4. Mine was just starting to show some signs of wear and so used some clear 3M tape on it...

  5. Exactly same mod I’ve done on mine :upyeah:

    There is a slight mark there as I did it after I’d marked it :(
  6. I think that’s just the nature of the beast - you don’t realise you need protection until you see a mark appearing. Thing is to sort it before it becomes too noticeable.
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  7. Does anyone know a paint code for the clutch cover, I have the heli tape on mine now, but the wear marks are quite bad?
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