Yes, I get ads to pay for it. Yes I get you can subscribe to remove. But its unusable on my phone, with the audi dropdown one taking up half the screen, and my MacBook cant scroll without lag even this its got good ram etc and nothing else running Its getting to the point I'm going to start looking elsewhere. Sure, may not be a loss 'just pay up' and all that bollox but I come as I have a vested interest in people on here and enjoy most to the chat.
adblocker plus I had my adblocker or extensions go down a few weeks back with firefox stupid update. The internet looked like some sort of casino with banners & junk images changing. Glad I support companies who block this shite. Even though I sub this & a number of other forums, extensions block the fuckers polluting my screen with distracting bollocks.
I don't use adblockers much as I get they need ads. So not fussed with them being there its that they take so much of the computing performance to run a simple 'new threads' page!
I enjoy the forum enough that I am prepared to pay £5 a year for it. If you don't want to pay for it and it's a pain to use for free, it's right to consider leaving it behind. No point getting irritated and struggling against impossible odds, just in order to have fun.
What's a fiver's contribution towards something we enjoy! Fine line between being tight and being careful....Just sayin
This is an excellent point. If the site happens to have particularly troublesome ads when a newcomer arrives, will they stick around long enough to become a subscriber?
I'm worth that alone but he put me on ignore as I would not be bullied - tight Wad contractors eh, all the same! I bet he's missing me though
Just out of interest, does everyone pay for Sky TV? Even though they have advertisements every 10 minutes?
Would 7 years be long enough to decide if you want to chip in. Also, Are Ducati owners known for having any disposable income.
OK fine, ignore me. Even this i made the post about paying yadeyadeya Clearly contribution is only measured in pounds. Think I'll take that as a steer to find somewhere else for my daily virtual pub fix
Why? Are you normally impetuous? No. Disposable income implies you have money to spare from looking after your Ducati(s), which is nonsense.