Please don't get me wrong .. I'm not homo or Texan fobic but its just when my mates bro dropped me off and handed me the keys, he mentioned big Texan guy but nothing about the lil mermaid...
Blimey Chiz, that first pic looks like a body bag swinging from the ceiling with a body in it that's been freshly mutilated and left to bleed out. Makes your panniers with the radioactive body parts look tame. The fact he can't spell welcome on the 'wall art' is very worrying. he's actually spelling 'well, come' - need I say more The fact the bedclothes are purple is even verier worrying. They're purple ffs!. When I was at school, Dave Pointing, used purple ink in his fountain pen one day in Maths class (we had to write with fountain pens in those old time days). Mr. Dimbelby, the maths teacher, threw the board rubber at him, took his pen and stamped on it on the floor and broke it, then castigated him saying that 'only poofs and archbishops use purple'. It's stuck in my mind for 40+ years. Be afraid Chiz, be very afraid
All this way to be date raped? I think not... After 5000 miles on a bike I doubt my rear end is an atrractive prospect....
My new buddy offered that I stay another night here.. but I think I'll get going, While I can still ride a bike... So from here I'm to follow the coast to.... I'm gonna have to go back a few pages....
thats my mate ( who is mad as a box of french men) and his girlfriend , who was rolling a spliff on my bike, which we parked in his work shop for the night... I will take a better pic of his work shop when I pic the bike up when I can find his workshop .. It's a mile or so from here but we stopped for many a glass of red on the way .. But my ability to never get lost will help me... Or I stop and charge the sat nav and look back ..
Tbh I'd actually love to stay another night here... My mate knows everyone in his neighbourhood and is entertaining as fuck... And the city itself looks cool... Hmmm.... I will decide what to do whilst trying to find his workshop...
True .. but he's already in slot of trouble with his wife for doing a disappearing act last night... And all I'd do is wander around and get drunk... No, better to hit the road I think .. That said, I've found his workshop but not him.... I'm may have to stay yet!!
This is what happens you get stoned and drink too much and play, let's see how close we can get before the superglue works
That reminds of a time when myself and my sister's boyfriend where stoned and trying to see how close we could get to shooting a chickens leg off with a small calibre riffle, without shooting it's leg off... Fortunately I missed by about a foot and took its head off, pehapes saving the chook from a painfully pedicure...