It took me 5 attempts to log in this morning, the page kept locking so you’re unable to scroll and that Audi banner ad kept jumping out so I kept clicking that instead (For example)
quick question, are the complaints just from those trying to access the site via their mobile or conventional laptop/computer/tablet?
Im a newish subscriber having found this site after using the US flavoured one (which is a bit......dry). I recently subscribed, not to get rid of any ads (I did not notice them TBH - maybe my brain is programmed to ignore crap) but because I had already had well over £5 of enjoyment from the site. Its so varied and makes me smile, even laugh at times. I am on the Kawasaki site which is global and its very dull. Just my thoughts. Richard
It’s worse on mobile, works ok on my iPad but what made me raise this was that it was lagging on scrolling on my MacBook. It’s a good spec, with nothing else running, and Macs dont suffer like windows so are pretty responsive tbh.
Doesn't help but my windows 7 laptop using Chrome and old HTC 8 Android has no issues at all. I just tick "keep logged in" and I get no adds and straight in. Maybe some OS /devices are worse than others. I do find other sites, especially newspapers almost unusable due to dynamic adds.
Perhaps. How do you feel about newcomers to the site having a terrible experience due to dynamic ads getting in the way and therefore not bothering to stay and subscribe? Any thoughts? (Apart from your *usual* thoughts, I mean)
Facebook is a pitta for ads are we all on there and how many times do you bung a fiver to the tyre guy or whoever There is a wealth of knowledge on here just see your fiver like you would the tyre guy
I view on mobile on my iPhone and I’m on iPhone 6 and it’s ok on here I use the mobile version not desktop
Anyway newbies come here for the bins Sorry for thread hijack Bradders My phone wanted to change hijack to hijab this gets on my nerves
Yes that would be an issue, but Hell T tells us the forum continues to grow so is the balance ok, it’s difficult. ********edited I am willing to start a funding scheme to collect the £5 just to get one more reason for someone to gripe taken away, if 500 of us would put in 1p each in fact I’ll pay it all
Like it or not though, you’re the big friendly face of the forum and you’re welcome to copy and paste it...