Message from the Organisers: "RUN THE HILL BOOKING RE-OPENED There's always a silver lining, as a result of postponing the Bike Fest to the 16th & 17th June, some of our pre-booked entries have dropped out due to prior commitments. The good news is that we now have some unexpected places to offer. I'd get in quick as we had a substantial waiting list so they're not going to around long."
Prescott is coming up this weekend. I intend to "Run the Hill" on my 450 Scrambler bevel. Let's hope it stays fine.
Setting off for Cheltenham and Prescott tomorrow (Saturday). Bike polished, checked air in the tyres, oil in the engine, fuel in the tank, voltage in the battery. Weather forecast checked - looking good. It should be a great meeting.
Having entered the 2019 Prescott Hillclimb (on 16 June), pleased to receive the regs and docs today. Planning to take the 450, like last year.
It is. It’s rained all day today, with occasional 10 min respite. Car needs a run this weekend anyway