Why are the BBC constantly spinning the story that Boris hasn't turned up to a debate that he was never going to - because they are scared he's going to get in that why, the remaining biased shitesters
why would you think we give a fuck? anyhoo. the bbc dont lie. i didnt see the leaders *cough* debate last night. i was waliking in the hills in the sunshine. did it go like this right enough? https://weegingerdug.wordpress.com/2019/06/16/believe-in-the-bin/
One thing that has stood out since 2016 is the impact of the media. More 24 hour news stations fighting more and more social media outlets for the latest and newest news. It hasn't helped with politicians going to the media every 5 minutes. You could see with the channel 4 programe it was an attitude of "how dare Boris not come on our show, doesn't he know who we are" The media have convinced themselves they are top of the tree and the last thing they like is a politician reminding them they are not. Did you enjoy the march yesterday fin?
mate, you dont make my wage playing in the shed every now and then. my work load would kill you. no doubts about it. 8hrs on the desk followed by 5-7hrs on the tools. yer a lightwaight.
Whilst some will ignore because it's a Trump comment, it doesn't change the outcome. Since brexit was started, Mainland europe has been in trouble. The ecb, no not the english cricket board but the european central bank, has been pumping in stimulus money, in effect buying it's own share certificates/promises. They stopped this last December having already subsidised the euro economies to the tune of 3 trillion euros in 3 years. The head of the ecb Mario Draghi has now said additional stimulus will be required if the euro countries continue to stagnate and fall the ecb takes money off the euro using countries which pebble in the pond, expands outwards. It should worry euro using countries after 3 trillion of additional support to the euro economies, that it hasn't improved since december, has gotten worse and another stimulus package is now an almost certianty https://www.telegraph.co.uk/busines...news-pound-euro-ftse-100-pound-extends-slide/ https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/18/business/ecb-mario-draghi-interest-rates/index.html
what is even more worring is italy is still 450bn[should be writen on a bus and is the actual fiqure, there is no rebate to take off] in debt,270bn of it held by french banks,pack of cards doesnt come close to it. we can not get out of the eu fast enough
In regards to Italian debt, It was noticeable in the last week that the Duestche bank, one of the banks that holds the largest individual one bank debt owed by Italy, has created a dummy bank to channel all their bad debts into where I suspect they will collapse it when time allows https://www.marketwatch.com/story/deutsche-bank-to-create-50-billion-bad-bank-ft-2019-06-17 https://www.cityam.com/deutsche-bank-to-create-e50bn-bad-bank-in-radical-overhaul/
I know for some, what is happening in europe isn't the important part of brexit but for those looking for the bigger picture it's useful to to still keep an eye on it, perhaps glid would have an input on this one https://euobserver.com/tickers/144971 and as with usual with the express, ignore the headline but read the story https://www.express.co.uk/news/worl...eu-deal-single-market-negotiation-brexit-deal