Has The World Gone Pc Mad???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. I ask the Question of you, do you think the Country/World has gone PC mad?
  2. Yes. Massively.

    Not a new thing though.

    But slowly causing everything to grind to a halt because everyone is offended.

    Bring on the apocalypse
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  3. I was out taking some photos the other day for a advertisement agency for use in a planned brochure ..

    Standing on the pavement I was approached by a lady shouting “ you, what do you think your doing?” I showed her my pro licence etc but she was having none of it..

    Explaining I was only photographing buildings from a public footpath she told me I couldn’t because her work colleague s were inside the building and had not given permission for their pictures to be taken. This was a tower block with mirror glass. I went on to say I can’t see anyone etc but no she was adamant, no way and threatened to call the police..

    It ended by me asking her a question, I asked, so what do you do when your on your hols with your kids around the pool? Do you go and ask every kids parent in the proposed shot, “ can I have your permission pls to have your child in my shot?”

    She didn’t reply she just walked off saying the police will be on their way...

    Whatever x
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. For god sake.

    Apocalypse now please !!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. You could have said fuck off you stupid cow and send a man out - and that's coming from me and I loves wimmin :heart_eyes:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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  6. Wouldn’t go as far to say the whole world has gone PC mad just on the back of meeting some random loon-ball busy body.
    But I dig what you mean.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I was having a drink with a rainbow coloured lady yesterday, a clinical psychologist from Leeds (not mine btw :p) and she calls herself black - I thought this was not pc anymore, v.confusing these fruit cakes aren't they. :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Right, I'm going to do some more filing with my bastard file... :thinkingface: oops, sorry, my non-bastard file o_O
  9. Come on mte... you know I never use language like that... I just left her the obligatory ICF calling card.. x
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. No need to explain yourself, it's said now.:eyes:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  11. No, I have no need to explain myself :rolleyes:
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  12. Not only PC mad also health and safety mad
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. A few months ago I had the police telling me to remove some spikes attached to the top of my fence ( I had intruders before stealing £7k worth of gear etc)
    Asking why? He told me.. “ if a burglar climbs your fence and injured himself in doing so he can sue you for injuries ”

    I was as they say gobsmacked.. I’d like to see that standing up in court.. He also told me if an intruder is trying to leave your property you are not allowed to tackle him, you have to let him go and call the police”

    Obv I had to say, “ what so they can arrive days later and ask as to how your coping?” X
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  14. Have to say I'm starting to become more and more un PC in the forlorn hope that at least the occasional person might see the crass stupidity of what is slowly eroding what little is left of common sense in everyday life.
    Sickens me to see the most basic elements of self help and ability to get yourself through life being eroded by interfering know all fuck all idiots who think they have the right to dictate to the world how things should be.
    Not religious in any way but "God help us all" if it continues :mad:
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. Getting more wound up over this by the minute, got to have another pint and try to calm down.
  16. It's usually the police demanding you stop taking photos, with which they have been trained many times. Is not illegal from a public area, footpath/street/viewing area. When questioned is that a legally enforcable request the police will usually if 'trained' refrain from that line of authoritarian demand because they know its not.

    Photographers rights v2


    Formerly from photographernotaterrorist this PDF is quite handy.

    Best collection to read up on & download is here> Thanks to wordpress

    I occasionally see police stating people should not rubber neck a crash scene for photos. Then within hours/days the police are requesting dashcam/photograghic footage to help mitigate blame.
  17. Just remember the police want you to break some sort of law. Such as swearing £90 on the spot fine if you are engaged by them where they will claim you are becoming hostile; politely remind them you have the right to remain silent.


    Bust card (can't find a link for 'I'm a photographer, not a terrorist! Stop & search bust card; which I carry with me at all times.)

    Well worth a read

    Wex photographer website

    Finally as this is getting boring for me, techradar even covered it.
    #17 GunZenBomZ, Jun 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  18. Exactly. You can photo/video anything from public areas. It's the same law that allows CCTV to take footage of the public. Lots of videos on YouTube about photo/videographers being (wrongly) questioned by people with no right to. Even the Police can't do anything if you're in a public place.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Prefer Mac myself.
  20. Bloody women :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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