959 Ttx Shock

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Mr X, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. hi

    I’m a Trackdays inters rider doing only 2-3 days a year, will I notice an improvement in upgrading to a ttx gp shock as been offered one for £500 and unsure if it’s worth it for me

  2. Yes it's a good mod, just make sure you have the right spring on there for your weight.
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  3. I'm also an inters rider and I did the same a few months ago. Upgraded to the Ohlins TTX shock and it made a huge improvement. Sell it to yourself by saying it is basically a free improvement, as at that price you could probably sell it for the same amount!

    I ride a 1299 and I'm sure the 959 also has a Sachs rear shock? I had my suspension set up and it was a big improvement, but when I changed to the Ohlins and had that set up also, it was an even bigger improvement at my next track day. On the Sachs it was still quite bumpy around bends, but on the Ohlins it was so smooth and stable and it increased my confidence in being able to carry more corner speed.

    On the other hand, there were probably a lot of other areas of my riding I could have improved on whilst still on the standard shock, but none probably look as good as the Swedish gold ;)
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  4. It's a good mod, because the shock on the 899/959 suffers badly with 'lockout' when it hits fast bumps. In addition to this the standard shock creates a vague feeling/connection with the rear tyre which I noticed immediately when I first test rode one (having jumped straight off a bike with an Ohlins shoc). I had mine rebuilt by MCT who re-valved it for £260 and it was amazing, but I would go for a TTX for £500 for sure!
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  5. I’ve been researching the spring rates and it seems the spring on it 80nm is for a lighter rider, my weight 15 stone requires a 90nm spring, how important is this
  6. It's important.
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  7. Thanks guys
  8. Help!

    I came to fit a TTX to my 959 and the rear bushing appears to be wider than stock? I've re-fitted the stock Sachs unit but now it appears to be loose on the bushes; what have I done wrong? Have a I lost a part or is there a step I have missed out?
  9. Do you mean something similar to this thread?
    even though its for a Scrambler:
  10. Thanks, but not quite. It's the actual bush pressed into the body of the shock taht appears to be protruding too far; I've dropped off the shock with MH Suspension (Lower Seagry) to look at as Mark did feel that the bush wasn't seated correctly which may account for the difficulty in fitting.
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  11. All sorted now. Serviced by MH, fitted by Moto Rapido together with an uprated high tensile front bolt. Well pleased.
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  12. Any more details about this uprated bolt?? Is it a Ducati item or generic bolt?
    #12 Sonic, Jul 13, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2019
  13. Its a Ducati uprated M10x5mm high tensile Grade 12.9 Panigale Racing Option. Code number M10X50129 (not sure if that's a Ducati code or just Moto Rapido's stock number). Moto Rapido indicated that on track the standard bolt can sometimes snap! This high tensile bolt removes that vulnerability
    #13 istanbulian, Jul 13, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2019
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  14. Thanks! I'll speak to my dealer see if they know about it!
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