More cleaning on the 916 today/meeting a policeman regarding security problems with shitheads/dentist and maybe the 996 out.
We have the usual weekend drunks that cause problems round our way, you must live in a proper posh place if it’s qualified dentists that are causing you grief !
Busy day today. Taking Bro in law to hospital for MRI scan on back this morning (so bad he can't drive), then this afternoon into London town to meet my old school mates who I see a couple of times a year. Its 40 years this month since we left our Comp in Swansea and we are still best mates which I think is pretty cool. In between, I will probably drop into the Bike Shed for a mooch around. I'm actually quite excited
Will do if I'm sober enough to work the buttons - I think today I will be a mid week drunk, rather than one of your weekenders.
We don’t mind if the subject is in focus, or even in the shot, just knowing you care is all the love we need.
I have a new phone, by my standards and I iz confused. I've gone from this for the last god knows how many years, but can't get proper batteries for it anymore (lot of fake ones) and have moved to this I've gotten as far as opening the box and putting in on charge, it looks like the devils work
Had agency work blow out late last night, so struggled out of bed at 09.00 & washed /disinfected fake grass as stinking of dog piss. Managed 91 sunny miles on Superlight before Mrs T got back from shops. Also gave paint shop go-ahead to repair & paint fairings + wheels on SPS.
You should order some bricks, cement and soft sand to build a garage. ...get them bikes out of the shed.
Popped into the motorcycle dealers to pick up some things for my forthcoming road trip, it’s a 240km round trip but hey, the is out and it’s a grand day for a ride. Whilst there I saw this. First Harley I’ve ever sat on. I’m afraid to say I like the look of it
Better for them where they are but you know that already, those thick timber walls draw all the moisture out