When bikes were bikes, men were men and ladies hadn’t been invented! (They drilled holes in telegraph poles and had to be contented.)
Yep, serious machine. He's had it since '82. It replaced a CB900 proddy racer. Had some great times with it including a little bit of road use. Had a couple of goes on it and it is "special".
Chainsaws out today for a little bit of exerciseflowers & trees for Ducbird ..........and for PaulPhilips View attachment 1614 13[/ATTACH]
I’ll have to ask him, he’s called Colin Wilson his brother John also raced. Colin also had an RG 500 and his last race bike was an RC30 which he still has.
I tried to use Garmin Basecamp. It's the worst software I've ever seen. Truly awful. It's now 1am. I want to shoot myself in the head. Hate it!
Took my youngest son to Nottingham University open day, and Loughborough the day before. I never went to uni and now i want to,
The only solution that makes a viable alternative that I've found is MyRouteApp, still has its foibles though. If you can persist with Basecamp it does work, just a steep learning curve.
Today I’m meeting some friends Glossop then heading to CMC’s stunt day in Clay Cross. Come and say hi if you see me
As a matter of curiosity what’s wrong with Google Maps on a phone and voice directions via Bluetooth to earbuds?
we use apps like Basecamp or Tyre so we can custom make routes to pass certain points or good roads,maybe over a few days too. A simple A to B route on a GPS will probably not include the route you want to take.
Had my snatch of the day on the 916 SPS corse with freshly new belts/oil,before the lunatics in their tin boxes rule the roads.