If not Suzi Perry......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Er......JR, she's just a drawing,you know. The figment of some graphic geek somewhere in Hollywood.

    It's just never going to work.
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  2. Yeah, you might get a paper cut on yer todger !!!! :eek: :wink:
  3. Like its going to work with anybody whos been listed anyway :biggrin:
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  4. Glid, you have destroyed my illusions !
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  5. We ( lovers of redheads that is ) seem to have missed an obvious one here... The woman in the photograph on the front page of this forum - the article about the ExCell London show - red hair and NICE bum... Shame you can onle see her from behind - anyone got any pics from the front ?
  6. My favourite redhead. Isla Fisher. OMG!

    #126 Balmy, Mar 26, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
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  7. Hubba hubba!!



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  8. If there's rust on the roof, you can bet there's dirt in the cellar :wink: :upyeah:
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  9. I for one have no problem with gettin' down'n'dirty :smile:
  10. That's the one in My Name is Earl.
  11. Lost in the supermarket two old guys are pushing their trolleys around when they collide. The first says to the second, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." The second old guy says, "That's OK. It's a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too, and I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate." The second old guy says, "Well, mine is 27 yrs old, tall, with red hair, brown eyes, long legs, big breasts, and is wearing a mini skirt. What does your wife look like?" "Never f***ing mind her” said the first old bloke “let's look for yours." Stolen from Rudolph Hart, but says it all really...
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  12. That'll be Jennifer Love Hewitt. :biggrin: Andy
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  13. Alyssa Milano was in Earl
  14. I'm not into women ...,
    And I'm never mentioning bum sex on here again as I'm traumertised .

    I like 3 men ... If I could have any man it would be Robert Smith cause he's perfect. View attachment 13011 even at 53 I think he's just perfect.

    Another man I find very attractive and have not admitted to ., is Chris Noth (Mr Big in sex and the city) don't know what it is about him as not my normal type . He just has that something. View attachment 13012

    And lastly View attachment 13013
    Jyrki 69 .. Super intelligent and all round nice guy . A Finn .. Some of them have the most stunning blue eyes.
  15. I just don't find women attractive sorry :) :) I could never be gay or Bi as I'd be bored by a woman's body ... It's all a bit boring ... Nothing does anything

    I don't want a man with a 6 pack and a rock hard bottom....
    I hate all that :(

    They have to be huggable ...
    I don't mind a bit of a beer gut either as you can blow raspberries in it in a childish fashion and its a good pillow.
    And not smell of lynx or some stuff..
    Petrol and oil is better :)
    #136 He11cat, Mar 27, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2013
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  16. Strange you don't like wimmin', coz the two who are your normal type look like laydeez.
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  17. Lol....
    I've always liked chaps who have the balls to dress as they want / or wear make up.
    I guess that's the era I grew up in and the people I mixed with.

    Mr Smith stays as he is as that's how his wife likes him which I think is rather sweet. At 53 he still goes about the same as he nearly always has and I admire that.

    And Jyrki is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Finland and also has a M.Sc. degree in Analytical Chemistry.
    He's 44 ...

    Neither kids and both incredibly intelligent men.
    I'm afraid with my beer gut I like a man with brains ....
    I like people who are not afraid to look different ( I know they are famous ). It's harder for a regular chap.

    You can go out with a stunning man or woman and if they are as thick as ....
    I would be bored in ten minutes and want to go home .
    I like a bit of quirk and no dimmies !
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  18. Although they may be topical the song isn't. It charted in 1996 for Blackstreet.
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