
Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Marco, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Greetings fellow bikers,

    Im currently driving a 2011 ZZR 1400 here in sunny Marseille and do a lot of two up touring all over the Europe but also love to drive aggressively when Im alone. Since im a big guy, 196cm heigh (6.5ft) and 105kg (230 pounds) Im a bit tired of the somewhat extreme position and was looking at something which has similar performance but more relaxed position.

    Last Saturday I took a 2013 MTS for a test drive and loved every minute on it. When I asked my girl friend what are her impressions, she replied: "Its a tractor". She said the vibrations on the passanger seat and passanger handle bars are too big. This was a 45 min ride. Im used to drive about 900-1000 miles in one day and Im afraid she will go nuts.

    I see some of you guys also do two up touring so I would like to hear how does your pillion cope with the vibrations? Will the touring seat help reduce the vibrations?

    Thank you in advance.
    #1 Marco, Mar 25, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2013
  2. My wife has never complained about any vibration....maybe she enjoys it too much lol
  3. I have toured with my wife on both twins and fours and she prefers the lower frequency thump of a twin over the buzz of a four.

    Perhaps a longer test ride before you write off the MTS?
  4. Touring rear seat is more comfortable, but there is no getting away from the fact it is a big twin, and totally different from your ZZR1400
  5. Change girlfriends :)
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  6. Just shown this post to Mrs RJ and she finds it difficult to believe - reckons the MTS is the comfiest bike she's ever toured on.
  7. We will take another test drive from another dealer and see if there is any difference. Based on your replies it seems to me its either the test bike or more likely, the fact that it's her first time on a big twin cylinder.

    Thanks for the help.
  8. lool
  9. My wife found the same thing, having got a ZZR 14 she found the twin very viby and a shock after the turbine smooth ZZR, however we appreciate its a totally different sort of bike and have doubts about its long distance touring ability as vibes will get tiring we are going to get one and give it ago!! One thing the wife wants to know is.... With bike act like a slender tone machine and firm up her bum with the vibrations
  10. Hasn't worked on my arse yet :frown:.

    I reckon its just a bit too different from the ZZR and she may need a few more test rides before it feels normal. I ride my Duc long distance and the vibes don't bother me at all, would probably miss them if I rode a Jap4.
  11. That was my partners first impression too on our first short test ride on a 1200s with no back box.
    She thought it was too high as she was getting a lot of the wind as she was now above me where on my last bike she was well hidden. She said her hands felt they were still shaking an hour after the ride and she didn't think it was going to work.
    Whereas I loved the seating position as I'm also 6'5" and it worked for me. I just had to get used to the big twin and its style of riding.

    After a week or so went back and spent the day on the bikes trying different models and after a few hours we both got used to the big twin. She preferred the bike with the top box on as she felt secure and she was now getting used to the wind and extra noise that she had never really had before.

    I opted in the end for the GT and now over 500 miles most of which has been 2 up we are both early enjoying it.

    Our downside for being so tall is the extended touring screen still buffets the head a lot even at full extension. I'm still deciding whether I just change it to a smaller screen and put up with the wind blast completely or just have the head jiggling about.
    Ill probably wait until I get my run in service done and try some higher speed run outs to see what the effect of the screen will have.

    Don't give in just yet as its a completely different bike and at the end of the day she will need to get used to it just the same as you.

    It's defo a great all rounder and so much fun in the twisties when out with the lads for a big ass bike it pushes on really well.

    Find a dealer that will let you try different models and spend longer on the bike.

    Good luck with your choice.
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