Off Topic Replies To Posts In Oh-so-serious Threads

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. How many letters ?
  2. Tomato soup.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Tom Yum
  4. we could kill two birds with one stone, get big terisa and truthless lined up on the road, i can imagine they will have fannys like a gutted rabbit.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Oh.
  6. Expectations only hurt ... they never help.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. and the British, those from bellow the wall, are predominately German. :p
  8. Viking down to Sheffield ex Englander dude the Finm :p
  9. i'm originally from near Largs, Vikings are pussys. we kick Viking arse.
  10. You only say that on't tinternet, pussy :p
  11. The Welsh?

    And the Cornish?

    And the guys who came over with the Conqueror?

    And the Huguenots?

    Nah! Don’t think so!
  12. mongrels did you say?
    and the history books.
    viking pussy. :p
  13. The ones you write, where the Scottish sacked York :bucktooth:

    (ps, that was just a film :))
  14. i never said it. i think it might of been in a holywood blockbuster tho.
  15. BraveTart :thinkingface:
  16. TiT.
    not the Terisa in Trousers, variaty either
  17. i think the difference between me and you is your obviuos insecurty here. drug induced?

  18. Filthy liberal metro-elite scum.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Now I know what’s behind the ‘we no longer use coffers’ business :)

    Last lot we sent had tea in them, you’re former generation kinfolk didn’t take too kindly to them;).

    ps. Actually, Im not sure the thread we came off was that serious, could have stayed there.

    pps. You know I’m only ribbing you, right?
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