And now I’ve turned up in that there London to discover the key to the disk lock is no longer with me and the picture above is the last time I saw it . FFS!
Finally found where my parcel with an RSV-R front mudguard went - after the local click and collect shop refused due to being a signed for package it went back to York Central post office, then to York Sorting Office where I went this morning. They said it had now been sent to Ireland to the lost post centre! Phoned Ebay again, they gave me my money back with no issue, said the seller would keep his payment too - and the shop would be fined for refusing the delivery - think the shop doesn't know what they are doing as they told me they turn loads away as they are not allowed to sign for them and the Sorting office also said they get loads back too. Picking some more alloy tube up from there tomorrow bought on click and collect, thankfully not on a signed delivery
We haven’t seen him but everybody is really friendly and quite happy for you to get up close to the cars. It’s an amazing event.
Plastering finished to the garden room. My guess is that it’ll be good to start painting come Monday. By SWMBO obviously
We've all done this I reckon I have the front mudguard of my SP3 in for repair as I type for the very same reason...! :-(
Decided to have a quick trip over to Fawley Power Station and Calshot before they demolish the chimney - they plan to build 1,500 homes on the site (and of course a new school, GP surgery,improve the road, etc.*). The original plans had a restaurant at the top of the chimney but that's not going to happen now...... * - don't hold your breath on these happening either ps the yachties won't know where they are when the chimney disappears so not all bad!
Ran around after a 18 month old dog who decided to have a few episodes of seizures today...check the pen that I signed my life away at second referral vets that was a 100 mile round trip away.....I'm currently bent over & bracing myself for bill.