without sounding like someones mum - there's going to be an awful lot of bikes appear all at once when it does warm up - some quite rusty (sorry not a dig at the Fugly owners) ' ride safe peeps '
This weekend will hopefully be busy doing have a go archery for the public at Castle Hedingham, that is if it stays dry and the public show up! If they don't or its wet, then we will spend the time sat under the bridge drinking coffee and trying to keep warm!
Next Thursday night is also the first Southampton bike night at Mayflower Park if any locals wanna meet up
Horsham Friday is a maybe, girlfriend has already said no, but I'm hoping it'll be dry and mildly cold! We'll probably go to Southend on the Monday for the Ace Café Shakedown as its only 20mins from home.
Off to Budapest tonight, working tomorrow visiting a factory and then a long weekend there with the trouble. Hopefully lots of good food, drink and interesting places to visit. Maybe even some Vlad sightseeing as I think he was imprisoned there for some years.
Nice place, Budapest, but big. I went there and saw very little, but to be fair I was drunk most of the time.
I would garden, but in the snow it sort of takes the fun out of it. I have a couple of shrubs I want to plant but not in this. Think I'll devote the time to learning all 5 positions of the minor pentatonic. I only know 1 and a half.
As it was a relatively 'toasty' 4 degrees C yesterday I did get out for a whizz - a few laps of my local circuit, er I mean favourite route :wink: Was pretty cold still: had my winter gloves on and thermals plus layers under the leathers. Good to get out though!! Just trying not to think about the road salt... Today I am off to Bristol for a Poker evening with some mates.