
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. View attachment 12566
    :) :) ...
    We arnt that bad :( :(
  2. Sigh .... You know your not going to sleep when your wide awake at 3.30am watching the life cycle and metamorphosis of the sea urchin :( I kid ye not :(
  3. Ran out of Night Nurse ... Went to chemist and they said don't think you should be taking that with what your on.

    To be honest not bothered just want to go to poxy sleep ... Got to ride tomorrow :(
  4. I've managed a full 6 hours a night this past week. Result :upyeah:
  5. And it's back.........been awake since 3.13am :mad:
  6. Valerian failed.
    Nytol failed
    Double nytol failed
    Night nurse failed
    Double night nurse failed..

    Single malt and nightnurse ?
    Got to drive so can't.

    I have a fishermans Priest ..
    I despair.
  7. Morning Mel, get on the rum
  8. I thought you'd be too old for a priest?? :wink:

    Have you tried a fisherman's friend? :biggrin:
  9. I'm suffering at the moment. 2 weeks of chronic backache and then the onset of tonsillitis mean I haven't had more than an hour's unbroken sleep each night for the last three weeks. I was up literally every half hour last night, I've got to the point where my body no longer requires sleep and I'm in full-time zombie mode. Took me 12 years to get back to a regular sleep pattern and now it's all gone to pot again:frown:
  10. Tramadol nights again... its odd, during the day it pits me to sleep, ay night it keeps me awake, but at least its in a comfortable chilled fuzz
  11. I'm still up :(
    watched a couple of films taken Night Nurse ..
    Watched Battleship which actually was pretty good ..
    least it had a good soundtrack with a good dose of ACDC .
  12. Been awake since 4.14am. This is not fun.
  13. Morning campers :) ..... So sick of this
  14. Morning. I've been awake for an hour now :frown:
  15. Dog woke me last two mornings - clocks change this weekend

    Maybe the birds have started singing , that wakes him
  16. Cat woke me.

    He's so bloody persistent when he's hungry and he has absolutely no sense of time.

  17. Have you tried kicking it?
  18. I'd have to get out of bed to do that.
  19. So not just me that has a cat that has no regard for unsocial hours, though nine times out of ten I am awake, yup afraid to say yet another insomnia sufferer. Have been since 2007, can't remember what a full nights sleep is...
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