Hi all, I am just after some advice. I have a couple of bikes and see them as works of art as well as amazing bikes ( and I can't ride all of them ), so I am considering putting a couple inside "on display" so I can enjoy them whilst eating my breakfast Anyway, those of you who keep bikes on display, what is the best way to prepare them, i.e. drain petrol, do you turn then over now and again? Etc etc Cheers
If we are talking complete bikes? the most I've had is in the lounge and kitchen in a 1 bed house is 5 bikes, and a few engine blocks in various place but it relies on one key and very important ingredient, being single I am a mere toykeeper compared to exi though
Those bikes are amazing. I want to live in a house like that. Only one has sneaked into the kitchen so far.... you have inspired me..... my wife is not inspired lol usually she’s pretty understanding!