Steve Wright In The Afternoon

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by HyperMac, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. What does Steve Wright have over the BBC do you think , to hold onto the “Big Show “ slot on Radio 2 ???
    What with the Jeremy Vine parodies , serious Jockin ( WTF ) , factoids etc.
    I find that I turn on the radio less and less these days ,but sometimes it’s outwith my control and I hear it.
    It makes my head hurt. He is way past his sell by date
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  2. Wasn't it Steve Wright that started the whole 'posse' thing, a whole team doing the show and taking the p1ss out of people for the sake of it ?
  3. Yes. Way past his sell by date.

    Funny enough, he and Loz could be brothers. Looks, not sell by date....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. He’s about as funny as dropping your bike :neutral:
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  5. He's a part of the 'Smashie and Nicie' era - they put paid to most of the others but somehow he's survived :thinkingface:
    He must have photo's......
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  6. So far past his sell date!

    Cringeworthy show at best.

    Avoid at all costs.
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  7. But it is the same show from 40 years ago FFS. And BTW its called Zoo radio for a reason...copied from the USA
  8. He started in local radio (Radio 210 in Reading) with Mike Read in 1976, well before the emergence of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse. Andy
  9. Old boy insists on it (radio 2) at work.
    We are allowed 1 when vine is on.
    Steve Wright stuff is so old and stale.
  10. I wonder if he shits himself every time there’s a knock at the door?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. Miserable fuckers one of the best DJs in the country and has been for many a year, again people moaning about nothing if you don’t like it switch off or try do better yourself...
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I'm soooo glad someone has started this thread. Every day we Radio surf between a local Radio station and BBC 2,when he comes on I can't help but curse that he still hasn't retired. But radio is so poor in the afternoon we bear with Steve Wright. Most of his music is good,apart from the new tunes he insist on playing and pretending he is cool and down with da kidz. But 4:15 on a Friday the radio goes off. cannot stand serious jockin. In summary Steve's Wrights big show would be great without Steve Wright, the guest arse licking,social media news and telling us the weather half way through the afternoon
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  13. Radio 6 in the afternoon. :)
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  14. If you don't like it, don't read or post on this thread. Maybe start a new one yourself :)
  15. Serious Jockin, I turn it off. Jeremy Vine : predictable and boring. The BBC cant see the obvious of how out of touch they are. Yet I always listen to Johnny Walker on sounds of the 70's and Paul Gambaccini. Vanessa Felz is so much better than Vine when she takes over his show when he's away. I'm not into country , but Bob Harris is a quality act. And Simon Mayo was great , but the BBC pissed him off
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  16. Don’t get me started on that half wit, Sarah Cox......
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  17. Remember Lazer 558? Pirate radio that actually played music. If I wanted conversation I’d go to a pub.
    What is it with the sycophants we have today on the radio. Everything & everyone is Sooooo ‘fantastic’ & ‘amazing’
    Seems all very false to me.
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  18. I liked his the 80/90s. Cant stand him now. Also has bad habbit of talking over the top of good music.
    Cant stand C Evans either, too mouthy and shouty.

    Bring back Wogan and John Peel.

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  19. I hadn't listened to any radio for years until we recently had builders in and they were tuned into Absolute Radio...and now I am too.
    There's still a certain amount of bollocks from 'DJs', but tolerable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Trouble with that is the adverts all the time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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