Hi pete glad to hear she had a bath! I'm gonna ride straight downthere from Horley which will be A24 to the washington roundabout the turn right into Storrington at the first mini roundabout hang a right then just follow the signposts up to West Chiltington Pietro's garage is on the crossroads in the centre of the village. C U there!
you could p.m. Lucasz Peter - as Phil says, all the way down A24. West Chiltington is signposted from Storrington plus the DOCGB crew have put up arrows I believe. Hope you enjoy yourselves.
From Horsham I can't see any frost on any rooftop or surface but the pond has ice on it. Conditions are better than I expected. See you there! Stuart Yellow 749s
It looks gorgeous out there this morning! Looking forward to getting some cool fresh air in the scoops!
Last night I discovered my insurance expired yesterday but Carole Nash are manning the phones today. Leave in a bit for Hop Oast meet. Found time to wash the bike.
Sprang an oil leak from the cooler halfway there. Not gonna make it this year :-( View attachment 13118
Ok Chris. Just sipping a latte & waiting for the bikes to roll in. View attachment 13120 View attachment 13121