In no particular order: Successive governments who are ruining this country through their ill-considered policies or plain stupidity. Excessive use of the word ‘like’ as in “I went to see my friend and he was like really angry” so he was not angry but his mood was similar to angry. Would that be frustrated, slightly peeved, irritated? Fish and chips served on a plate in a pub or restaurant with a bit of fake newspaper under it. Burgers or paninis served with a serviette under them. Actually let’s just group the last two under a general heading of “faffing about with food as an excuse for style, poor quality, or small portions”. The DVLA accusing me of not being insured, even after sending them a copy of my insurance certificate, because the MID database has not been updated.
Religious zealots. Any flavour. Doesn't matter to me. Though I do love a good argument just to wind them up
I love it when Jehovah's Witnesses turn up on my doorstep. I normally tell them that I totally refute the existence of god, but respect their right to believe otherwise. I also ask them if they would like to discuss further, but so far they have always declined.
Last lot of witness's I had doorstepping decided they wanted to argue for creationism bollocks....
The last pair I had at the door retreated in confusion when I told them that My Lord Satan doesn't allow me to speak to JW's.
I was working from home one day a couple of years back when a couple turned up on the doorstep, they always travel in pairs and seemingly always one at least semi-fit young woman in the pair. She opened up with some old malarkey about the wonders of god's creation and how blah blah blah, seeing as the alternative was actually working I came back with something along the lines of "science may not be able to explain everything yet but just because we can't is no reason to say it must be magic then" she then countered with the old lie about "no transitional fossils" which I went back with "apart from Archeopteryx and Darwinius Masillae to name two" (this was about the time the "Ida" fossil was in the news) Her response was an absolute peach and I still feel slightly guilty for what I did to her... She said words to the effect of "You obviously study this in detail, My father is much the same. He and I used to have massive arguments about creation and science whenever I visited but now he agrees there is something in the creation argument and we don't argue at all" "No" I said,"What's happening is your Mother is saying to him, Don't you dare start a fight with our daughter when she comes home for Sunday Lunch, we see little enough of her as it is" There was almost a flash of light as she realised that was exactly what happens and I could almost hear her faith shatter. I closed the door and in my mind I laughed demonically. :biggrin:
As my atheism has crystallised over the last 2 or 3 years, I am now willing the JWs to show up so I can have a really good argument. It's all free, you know.
My atheism has been developing for a number of years like you and I too relish the arguments with "believers". Though I love an argument with followers of all religions I particularly relish those with Muslims. So much fun watching them squirm when you point out the fact that it's a religion still based in the middle ages and is probably followed by the most hypocritical of the human race.
It's really easy totally denying the existence of god. Sadly, totally refuting it takes a little longer.
Thanks Pete, I see where I am going wrong. Next time, I will ask them to refute my contention that god does not exist.