Kim Jong- Un laughable nutjob or threat? Given the Computer shot that looked like a scene from " lost in space " / 50s. And a kitchen chair. Photoshopped images of hovercraft landings and renewed threat to US bases. What do you think?
they have been technically still at war for the last 62 years, they only ever signed a cease fire agreement
They are very close to being able to construct a viable nuclear weapon, once they do they will become a significant thread and will therefore be the US and sadly our next 'target'. Even matey Kim Dong whateverhisnameis isn't stupid enough to think that it's a wise course of action to use this as a threat. You don't try and fight the entire playground by yourself. Saying that, if China and or Russia fancy joining in, it could be rather interesting indeed. However, China and Russia aren't stupid either and will advise Kim Dong whateverhisnameis that its far better to be a big fish in a small pond what than a smear on the window of history.
Laughable, but why oh why do America put themselves in a situation that even I could have told them would bring problems. yes North Korea do not own the sky but why provoke and create a situation. Are the USA always looking for a fight???????????
North Korea is very mineral heavy, notably iron ore, lead, gold, coal, zinc and tungsten amongst others. It's doubtful the yanks will want another vietnam (which is essentially what it is) tungsten and copper) given the nuclear possibility, especially with the russians and chinese at their backs. They're a nuclear dustbin as well as the UK, so perhaps they ask the same about us? Rhetorical question - Who sanctioned the disposal of nuclear waste on UK soil?
Well, that was wasted wasn't it? Somebody spell it out........... Oh alright, Fat Man and Little Boy........
Rhetorical indeed. What do you mean by "sanctioned"? What do you mean by "disposal"? What do you mean by "nuclear waste"?
Exactly. I mean the high level radioactive waste (100,000 year half-life) that is currently being 'stored' at Sellafield. Until such time as the government forces by law, the burial of it, (likely Cumbria). Bit of political hot potato - I'm sure Baroness Verma will be more than capable of wrapping it in tin foil - rhetorically speaking
Apologies, bit of a tangent, N.Korea at present stores nuclear waste from Taiwan. It is my contention that no country would want to store nuclear waste even if it were their own. To do it voluntarily strikes me as a little odd. It is being debated whether we should store long-term 'by law' high level radio active waste in this country. The connection was meant to be laughable - ha ha
N Korea stores Taiwan's nuclear waste? So a satellite nation whose entire existence depends upon the USA protecting it from China exports its nuclear waste to a satellite nation whose entire existence depends upon China protecting it from the USA? *mind blown* Nope, I don't understand the World, not one bit.