a clockwork orange by antony burgess = weird quadrophenia by alan fletcher = mods mein kampf by adolf hitler = political the long walk by slavomir rawicz = hardship ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is a great read
Siddhartha: Herman Hess- Realization Politics of ecstasy : Tim Leary- L.S.D The old man and the sea: Hemingway- Determination On the road: Jack Kerouac- Traveling Romeo & Juliet: Shakespeare- Lust The end of faith: Sam Harris- Reason Fear & loathing in Las Vegas: Hunter S. Thomson- Drugs Loneliness of the long distance runner: Alan Silittoe- Rebellion God is not great: Chris Hitchens- Clarity The child in time: Ian McEwan- Loss
Fair point. My misunderstanding. My answer, about as much "truth" as the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm, and less entertaining.
I didn't think that Charlotte Gray was that good. You kept thinking it was going to lead up to some exciting denouement, and then it didn't. Now Birdsong on the other hand...
The reason it did not seem to end in my view was to encourage the reader to think more about the subject matter. Glidd, there is a part in Charlotte Grey that stopped me in my tracks and caused me to put the book down and weep. No other book has ever done that, before or since. Incredible writing. In terms of the end piece, I agree with you regarding Birdsong. Also incredible writing. To be honest, I think we should all read Foulkes' portfolio, he is such a great observer of the human condition. Here but for the grace of god go all of us. Regards, SH
You wrote The Conservative party 2010 election manifesto- lies The manifesto was a statement of intent if they won the election. They didn't win the election so the manifesto became redundant. Therefore it can't be lies.
Well yes. Election manifestos are always collections of promises and predictions. The predictions may not come true, and the promises may not be kept, but that does not make them "lies". I think the point here is that politicians sometimes make statements about what their intentions are, when those are not really their intentions at all; those statements really are "lies" at the time they are made.
They say that everyone has a book they could write. However this book was mine already written of my life. So society had been let off by my poor effort