Afternoon all, I'm looking for a nice, clean well looked after 916. Ideally an early version. Does anybody either fancy selling theirs or know somebody that's contemplating selling one? Thanks
My friend Adie is looking to sell hers.
Thanks for that, I've sent a message to your friend however, do you know anything about the bike, mileage, history etc?
No but Adie will be able to tell you as it's one of many. I've known them both for 20-ish years. Her husband Andy used to have a 748 and a Multi1200 and are both Ducati Club members, so will have looked after it properly.
Ha ha ah, not to cast aspersions on Andie but being a club member has no bearing whatsoever on the state of someones motorbike and how they look after them, plenty of grotty bikes in all the clubs .....
Nice looking bike - I'd be curious about what you've done to it (seat unit) - but probably not in the market unless it's Uber cheap which I don't think it looks