V4 Help Steering Stem Nut

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by AJL277, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. I need a little help..
    Can anyone tell me if the steering stem nut on the top yoke on a 1299S is the same as the V4S?
    Need to buy a tool and not many list the V4 and some say the early Panigale will and others say NO..

    Many Thanks AJL227

  2. How about this ?
    Knocked it up in my shed .... been using it for 20 years .

    Or in the spirit of Blue Peter .... " Here's one I made earlier "
    [ To comply with forum policy , I took the photo on a bin :) ]

    Might be a good topic for a new thread ....
    " Home made Ducati tools "
    I must have made a dozen or so different tools , and saved well over a grand .

    steering head 1.jpg steering head 2.jpg
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  3. A435331C-0057-4F9F-9447-B1EBB743135A.jpeg My Ducati tool :upyeah:
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  4. AFAIK the pitch and arrangement between the holes is slightly different on the 1199/1299 compared to the V4. The nut on the V4 is also marginally taller. If you want to buy a good quality tool that wont mark the aluminium (particularly when tightening anodised aftermarket steering stem nuts) then I cannot recommend these highly enough:

  5. I did think of knocking something up myself... I mean what could possibly go wrong..
    But no I've gone with Topolino's recommendation (Cheers).

    Thanks guys for the help
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  6. image.jpg image.jpg Try one of these... eBay special! I've used this on 899/959 plus 1299. Also fits V4 as I've checked on friends bike. The V4 item is slightly longer due to thicker Yoke. But the 4 pins lineup perfectly...
  7. Thanks Dave...
  8. No problem, glad to be of help. Chris Schipfer (owner of Desmoworld) is a genuinely nice guy and easy to deal with and he makes some beautiful stuff for the V4 as well as other models and marques.
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  9. I bought one off Ebay because the seller guaranteed it fitted the V4. It f***ing doesnt
  10. Factory tool 887131058 is the same for almost all Ducatis for the last 30 years. Of the aftermarket ones on ebay, some are not machined to very close tolerances and some do not fit that well
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  11. Is it just a case of loosen the pinch bolt and undo the stem nut? This is solid
  12. Are you trying to remove the nut? If so it has a shoulder on the bottom so the top yoke has to come of first, presuming it's the same as earlier bikes.
    #13 Birdie, Mar 11, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
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  13. Makes sense. Thankyou
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