Hi people, anyone got any thoughts or used one of these https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/123786300406 Cheers
mines still usable but has a big dent in it I will see if I can hold out till you get one, seriously though it does seem to be a low price I might try it if I do I will post the result
Got a secondhand one off ebay £45 with free postage, its on been run up to 104 degrees fans kick in fine no leakes in nice condition winner
M&P have pattern part https://www.mandp.co.uk/products/ducati-749-749s-999r-999s-03-06-radiator-690159
Been looking at them as they do one for my 748 at the same price only difference is oem is silver, very good price actually.