Was this the world's first mobile phone? 1938 film shows woman talking on a wireless device but it is not 'time travel' family say to the disappointment of conspiracy theorists | Mail Online
David Cameron wades into swamp to rescue sheep - Telegraph now if it had said Boris I probably would have believed it..
that's the fun part :wink: I read it carefully and a few things don't quite stack up but we will know before the day is out. I'm going for fake - surely just the police officers could have 'gone in' for one.
Another one: The anti-drone hoodie that helps you beat Big Brother's spy in the sky | Art and design | The Guardian
This is actually a rehash of an interview given by Cleo Rocas in yesterday's Sunday Times. I am not sure it is therefore an April Fool Story.
I Thought this was an April fool but alas it appears true Policewoman Sues Man Who Called 999 She is a shining example of the police force society has now bred! Sorry for the moan now back to Good old april fools blags!