I've crashed my Radical Pantah :-(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Well, it looked dry and bright so I thought I'd pop along to the local Classic bike show. I got about 100 yards down my lane and lost the front on some black ice. The bike's pretty battered, but a trip to Hospital has revealed I've busted my hip! Still, a few weeks at home when the weather's like this will give me time to plan the rebuild.

    Nicks hip x-ray.jpg

    Nicks hip x-ray.jpg
  2. Ah! Big commiserations.
  3. Big something ;-)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Ps stolen for FB :)
  5. OMG :eek: !!! That's terrible, could you not have blacked out your cock so I didn't have to see it :mad: !!! Bad luck on the hip and that beautiful bike too :frown: !!!
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  6. Comiserations and all that ........................................but we'd prefer to see the poor bike:tongue:
  7. April fool :biggrin:
  8. Whats that???? :eek:
  9. Any pics of the bike?
  10. funny how your cock shows up the same as the bone in your leg, i smell a rat:wink:
  11. It's bad enough having to look at it :frown:! But if you want to sniff it, go right ahead! :biggrin:
  12. I can't help noticing you have no balls :eek: Anything you sould be telling us:biggrin:
  13. Ladyboy?
  14. Full marks to El T for it is indeed surely a poisson d'avril!
  15. Joking aside, a guy on a UK "location" bike forum several years ago genuinely posted an x-ray of his hip area and all was there for the girls (and boys wot like that sort of thing) to see. He had not even considered what was on the rest of the x-ray when he posted it!
  16. just 'got in' with 50 mins to spare :)
  17. Cock and bull story.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. err.. 'different' avatar Nick.. - I never doubted your potency for a minute though?
  19. OMG!!!!!
    Nooooooooo :-(

    Oh nooooooo bloody Nora
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